Þorinn of Clan Gunnisson

Þorinn of Clan Gunnisson

Þorinn is a Throngrink of Clan Gunnisson, a line of Dwarves said to be descended from the god Torag. Þorinn hails from Kalsgard the capital city of the Thanelands in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, where he grew up in the Gunnison Clan Hall in the Undercroft. At a young age Þorinn went to join the clan's battle academy where he would learn the art of warfare. While learning at the battle academy the instructors found that Þorinn had an innate ferocity and ability to inspire others. Þorinn was made an apprentice to Gotrek Gunnisson a renowned warlord of the clan. Gotrek began to teach Þorinn the art of leading from the front lines and rallying allies with feats of combat. Gotrek with Þorinn at his side served as one of Sveinn Blood-Eagles right hand participating and leading armies in many wars. After many decades of war Þorinn was no longer a beardling, he was given charge of the Third Battalion to commemorate his completion of apprenticeship. Þorinn served alongside his troops in many battles during Sveinn's conquest of the Land of The Linnorm Kings and the invasion by the Infernal Empire of Cheliax. While leading a patrol along the southern border, Þorinn and his men came across a seemingly strange site of two groups of Cheliaxian parties engaged in combat. Eager for a fight he and his men charged to join the fray, upon arriving they discovered one of the groups to be members of an organization called the Vigilant Seal, a branch of the Pathfinder Society. Talking to the leaders group Þorinn became interested in the prospect of exploring the world and finding lost artifacts as well as taking the fight to evil. After the war with Cheliax ended Þorinn took a leave of absence from his Thaneship to Sveinn, but still remained in contact and acted as an ambassador for the king in foreign lands. Þorinn set out to the City of Absalom to seek out the Pathfinder Society. After years of service to the Society and helping establish a Society branch in Karlsgard, Þorinn became a member of the Vigilant Seal faction.
Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 5"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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