Pathfinder Society




Loosely affiliated members directed by venture-captains

Public Agenda

The Pathfinder Society generally takes a hands-off approach with its agents, leaving them to pursue their own leads, and chose their own priorities. Pathfinders are only expected to explore the mysteries of the multiverse, report what they find, and cooperate with one another in order to assure the success of the first two duties. Pathfinders are expected to report their findings to their venture-captains, who collect and review these records, and pass on the best to be published in the Pathfinder Chronicles.


  • The Pathfinder Society was founded in Absalom in 4307 AR by a group of adventurers as a means to share stories and resources. The first meeting place was a bar in Absalom called the Wounded Wisp, and the meeting locations changed frequently over the next decade. The incredible stories shared among members at these early meetings became popular forms of entertainment among the public as well.
  • In 4317 AR, a sage (whose name has been lost to history) offered to publish the best of the Society's stories in book form. The first edition of the Pathfinder Chronicles became wildly successful and began the Society's tradition of publishing the best of its members' exploits. In the nearly four centuries since, members of the Pathfinder Society have aspired to undertake adventures worthy of publication in the Chronicles.
  • In 4320 AR, the Society's Grand Lodge was founded in Absalom in a manor home donated to the Society. As the organization grew, a council of ten directors called the Decemvirate was formed to help organize its growing interests, and to shape the future of the Pathfinders. As the Society grew in wealth and power, the Decemvirate decided that for its own security and safety its members would mask themselves to hide their identities, even from other Pathfinders. The membership of the Decemvirate has presumably changed many times over the last 400 years, although their identities or even how they are chosen remain mysteries to nearly all Pathfinders as well as the general public.

Explore, Report, Cooperate


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