
This once ruined city was claimed by the former demon general Bael. Bael moved his forces to restore and improve this city using it as his seat of power. During his conquest he offered those he conquered a chance at survival telling them to move to this city and they will be protected. This city and it's surrounding towns now serve as Bael's seat of rebellion against Lamashtu.


12,481 Humans, 2,621 Demons, 871 Dwarves, 563 Fey, 135 gnomes, 87 half-elves, 25 half-orcs, 15 devils, 583 other




Auksas District: This district contains the Didysis Turgus, a large enclosed market made of permanent stalls and buildings as well as temporary vendors. The merchants’ guild headquarters is also located in the district.
Ąžuolas District: This district is located on the eastern side of the city near Shudderwood. This district is a mix of residential and economic buildings. A large portion of the city's Fey live here. This district is renowned for its healers and alchemist.
Jūra District: This waterfront district is spread along the river containing many docks and warehouses.
Kaimynas District: This large district contains most of the city’s residents. The district has a few taverns, inns and parks strewn across its residential tracks.
Karūna District: This walled district contains the governmental buildings, Geležies Laikiklis home of the Dedugnės Riteriai, as well as Bael's palace the Onikso Rūmai which sits upon a hill in the center of the district. This district is located within the Viršutinė District separated by a wall.
Kauliukas District: This district is located on the western side of the city near Wolfcrags. This district is a mix of residential and economic buildings. A large portion of the city's Dwarves live here. This district is known for its blacksmiths, sculptors, and ore processing.
Laisvalaikis District: This district contains many different forms of entertainment including taverns, brothels, theatres, arenas, etc.
Viršutinė District: This district is composed of multiple upper class neighborhoods. A wall sections off this portion from the general city as well as the central governmental plaza.

Guilds and Factions

Dedugnės Riteriai: A group of elite soldiers who make up the royal guards. They accept all races into their order.

Points of interest

Didysis Turgus: A large covered shopping plaza consisting of many permanent and temporary vendor stalls as well as permanent store fronts.
Geležies Laikiklis: A fortified castle and barracks that houses the Dedugnės Riteriai, a group of elite soldiers who make up the royal guards.
Onikso Rūmai: An eloquent palace made of marble and onyx, this serves as Bael’s home and seat of power.
Didžioji Kalvė: This structure is made of multiple interlinked forges and smithies. The expert smiths here take custom request as well as provide high quality arms and armor to the soldiers of Heilrune
Didžioji Akademija: This grand structure and surrounding buildings make up the grounds of the magic academy. The instructors are composed of mortals, demons and fey. Vištidė- This is high class brothel is located in the Karūna District


Carolingian Architecture This combines elements of arch-shaped passageways and half-columns with baseless triangles of the blind arcade and polychromatic masonry.


Heilrune is situated at the base of the Wolfcrags of the Tusk Mountains sitting to its west. To the east sits a river and The Shudderwood.

Natural Resources

The nearby mountains are rich with untapped ores. Rare plants, herbs and limited wood are gathered from Shudderwood according to the Bael's treaty with the fey of the forest.
Large city


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