
A stocky Half-Orc chef with prosthetic hands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised in a community who looked down on the physically disabled, Cook was seen as a burden due to being born without hands. Those who lost limbs in combat were at least somewhat respected due to their service, but Cooks circumstance caused him to be a pariah. His family loved him though, and he spent a great deal of time with his mother. She spent much of her time cooking, and Cook learned by watching and helping. Learning to work around his disability, he became a good cook as well.    As a young man he was finally able to get prosthetic hands made. The craftsman suggested that the hands should incorporate something that was special to Cook so the would truly be his hands. Cook chose that instead of hands, he would have a large detachable pan and cleaver set made as his prosthetics. With these new parts he was really able to perfect his cooking, becoming well known for his simple but delicious dishes.    One day while cooking at the tavern he worked in, some mercenaries from the Greystone Mercenary Company stopped by for a meal. Unknown to them, a rival mercenary group saw them enter town and took the opportunity to surprise attack them. Caught without their weapons, the Greystone crew took a beating until Cook came out of the kitchen to see the commotion. Moving to defend the unarmed individuals, Cook beat the attackers back with his cleaver and pan hands, surprising himself and others with his fighting ability. Standing victorious when the attackers fled, he was quickly embarrassed by the loud applause and claps on the back he received for his actions. Shrinking back into the kitchen, one of the Greystone men approached him. This large Half-Orc was none other than the Greystone Mercenary Company's leader, Zor Deathgrip. Impressed with Cooks combat prowess and delicious meals, he offered him a spot cooking for his company and a life full of adventure.   He declined at first, saying that he was more comfortable in the kitchen. Zor then left, but the thought of adventure was lingering in Cooks mind. The next day Cook returned to work, questioning whether or not he made the right choice. That's when he saw Zor walk in, asking Cook to come with him for a moment. Zor took Cook to the edge of town where his crew was staying. He then went up to a large coach wagon, opening the doors to show an under construction mobile kitchen. Complete with cast iron equipment and fireproofed metal paneling, Cook was amazed. Zor began to explain that it wasn't finished, but he hoped this would help convince Cook. He couldn't take Cook away from the kitchen, so he wanted to take the kitchen with Cook. Moved by Zor's actions, Cook quickly gathered his supplies and said his goodbyes, joining the Greystone Mercenaries as their new chef.


Well trained cook and baker.


Worked in a tavern, then hired by the Greystone Mercenary Company.



Good friend

Towards Uguz Hellgrip



Uguz Hellgrip

Good friend

Towards Cook



Uguz knew Cook through the Greystone Mercenary Company, they are good friends from back in Uguz mercenary days

Aligned Organization


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