Coterie Peak Settlement in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

Coterie Peak

A mountain settlement found on Peak Mountain, one of the highest mountains in the Ice Spine of Andricum.


Nearly all inhabitants are humans, any non-humans are semi-permanent residents


Every clansperson is trained to fight, only the youngest of children and oldest of elders abstain from defending the village.

Points of interest

The Hall of Legends is a large, vaulted longhouse with large log support beams going down its middle. Two rows of tables line the sides and at the end is the Recallers Throne, used for the telling of tales.


Almost none. All visitors tend to come for a reason; learning about a legend or wishing to train in the Sword Dance usually bring people who remain for a while.
Alternative Name(s)
Peak Village
Inhabitant Demonym
Peak Men, Peak Man
Owning Organization


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