Golden Emperor

The position of emperor, ruler of the Golden Empire.


Family members of current emperor


Paternal succession


Dictating division of wealth, approves or rejects proposed laws from the House of Elected Nobles.


De facto controller of entire empires monetary wealth.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Title is irrevocable, is only lost through death or abdication.


The position of emperor was created when the conjoining of the Civil Trade Union and the Hrevya Sig. This appointment shifted the calendar to a Before Union/After Union dating system.

Cultural Significance

Marked the point of one single ruler for the continent of Andricum, creation of the Golden Empire.
Royalty, Hereditary
Form of Address
The Golden
Source of Authority
Tradition from the Union, nobility has followed emperors word and citizens in turn follow nobles
Length of Term
Until death/abdication to next in line


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