Meadshill Brewery & Apiary

The production building for Meadshill's mead, honey, and candles.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the building is threefold. First, it uses most of the honey from the bees to produce mead, a specific type of yellow honey wine unique to Meadshill. Second, the leftover honey is jarred and sold at market or used in the hamlet. Third, the wax from the spent honeycombs is melted down to produce candles for sale at market.


A large square building containing the brewery and candle equipment sits in front, while off to the side is a large cylindrical tower with many holes in the sides. This is to let the bees into the inside, where they make their hives. a carefully designed set of spiral scaffolding allows workers to safely harvest the honeycombs.


Tens of thousands of bees.


Some visitors come to sample the honey and famous Meadshill mead fresh from the source. Others come to see the flower field when they are in full bloom during midsummer.
Brewery / Winery
Parent Location


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