Merchant Lord

A powerful merchant position that entails the ownership of at least one very profitable business or trade route.


A successful and profitable business venture is required to achieve this rank. In order to become a Merchant Lord, a payment of 25,000gp must be made to the Merchants Guild in order to be considered for nomination. Once paid, the guild examines the business to asses its value and potential. If nominated, the regional magistrate signs off and the nominated individual's family is officially recorded as nobility. From then on, a 1,000gp yearly payment is due to both the Merchants Guild and the Golden Empire.


Managing large mercantile, trade, and industrial ventures. Sponsoring local public works and protection needs.


Merchant Lords have political sway and often influence the decisions of mayors, governors, and sometimes magistrates.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If more than 2 years of membership fees are missed, the family is stripped of their title.
Nobility, Household
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Regional Magistrate


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