Murgul's Mountain Dwarves Organization in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

Murgul's Mountain Dwarves

The kingdom of Dwarves that rule over Murgul's Mountains.


Ruled by a king, who is assisted by an elected chancellor. The kingship is passed on matrilineally. Elections for chancellor are held every 10 years, and are voted on by the heads of each noble family. These nobles are responsible for drafting new rules and laws, which must be approved by the king and chancellor.


These Dwarves believe that the perfection of ones craft is the noblest pursuit. Many spend their lives focused on a particular path; masonry, smithing, soldering, etc. They value metal as a resource and have their own currency that is devoid of gold pieces, made up of tin, copper, and silver.


Vast network of mines that produce all kinds of metal and gems.


The Dwarves have lived in these mountains for countless years. Their own records only go back just over 1,000 years, starting with the founding of Orsikar.    Their oral history tells of a poorly assembled record of "The Great Journey", which is understood to be a migration by a group of 500 or so Dwarves. After wandering for a time, their leader, only known as Murgul, led them to the mountains that would take on his name. Digging into the largest mountain in the range, they discovered a large chasm with a massive pillar in it's center. Believing this pillar to be the support structure for the entire mountain, they polished it and began recording the story of their people on it. To this day important events are carved into the pillar as elaborate murals.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Controlled Territories


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