Orsikar Settlement in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

Orsikar (Ore-sick-are)

A large citadel built into the side of the largest mountain in the Murgul Mountain range.


Dwarf. Other races are rarely granted permanent residence.


Ruled by the Mountain King, who is assisted by an elected chancellor.


A large citadel is carved into the mountains. The walls of the citadel are lined with ballistae. Two sets of 60 foot tall bronze gates can seal off the city. Inside the city there are tall triangular watch towers, housing the 'Mountain Guard', a group of highly trained warriors that both keep law and defend in the case that invaders make it into the mountainhome.

Industry & Trade

The city thrives on its craftsworks. A great many stone crafts and metalworks are produced here. Stone statues and polished rock bangles, copper cups and gleaming silverware, the list of their goods is ever growing.


A massive hold in the mountains, it's distinct feature is a large hole in the middle of the interior with a big carved stone pillar in its center. There are multiple levels surrounding this pillar, each with a unique purpose.


Holdt's Gate- The large fort and gate that sits in front of the entrance tunnel to Orsikar. Constantly manned by many Dwarves.   High District- Home to the king and nobles. Off limits to all but those who live and work there.   Level 1, Visitor District- Temporary and permanent residences for outsiders, has taverns and entertainment for visitors.   Level 2, Trade District- Large multi-storied buildings carrying all manner of Dwarven made goods. Off limits to outsiders without a pass.   Level 3, Craft District- Houses all kinds of crafters, refines raw materials into finished goods. Off limits to outsiders.   Level 4, Military District- Only barely visible from the upper districts. Where the Orsikar military resides and trains. Off limits to outsiders.

Guilds and Factions

Each major career has its own guild (Craftsdwarves, Miners, Record Keepers, Farmers, etc.). Within each guild there are minor guilds, divided by each groups specialty (Gemstone Miners, Glassblowers, Pewter Smiths, etc.). These groups are self regulating, and maintain a standard of quality for their respective works/duties.   The population is divided between several classes that have a flow-down power structure. At the top is the Noble class, led by the king, which is in charge of the city in general. After that is the Record Keepers, responsible for chronicling the happenings of the mountain home and the surrounding world. Next is the Warrior class, followed by the Crafter/Merchant class. Last is the Labor class, which are responsible for everyday duties like maintenance and moving of goods from place to place. These classes are notable for the respect they give each other with none looking down on another for their work (Noble class excluded).
Founding Date
Estimated at 23 AU
Alternative Name(s)
The Mountain Home
Estimated at 250,000
Location under
Owning Organization


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