New Ilith Settlement in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

New Ilith

A Dwarven town on the western coast of the Eastern Territories.


Dwarf, Human, Half-Orc, Half-Elf


The town is governed by the Dwarves of Morgul's Mountains, with emissaries from the Golden Empire helping to run trade shipments to Andricum.


Multiple docks along the banks for river boats to load/unload goods. A large shipyard and port are on the coast, where ocean going vessels are made and docked.


Docks- The coastal port, offers transport to Pike's Bay.   Riverfront- the riverside docks, offers transport upriver for passengers and goods. Several inns and taverns located here, offering a scenic location for food, drink, and rest.   Trade District- Borders the riverfront on each side, offers Dwarven made goods, goods from County Est, and some imports from Andricum.


Dwarven crafts and equipment, food and drink stores


This was the site of a small fishing village until the end of the Mountain War. Once the war ended, The Morgul Dwarves wanted to set up their own port to trade with mainland Andricum. Offering this location due to the ability to send goods down the Fluss River, the Dwarves accepted and a joint operation to expand the village was undertaken.

Points of interest

The shipyard is the construction site of the unique Morgul Dwarf ships. Plated in bronze sheets with angled pyramidal sails, they are entirely unique and a sight to see.


Many visitors come to see the Dwarven architecture and buy Dwarven goods.


The Empire buildings are standard fare. The Morgul Dwarves have uniquely geometrical buildings, comprised entirely of polygonal shapes.
Founding Date
995 AU
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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