The Hotlands

A large, devastatingly hot savannah on the eastern side of Andricum.


The Hotlands are wide open and flat. Full of tall grass and bramble bushes, occasional collections of trees with broad canopies dot the landscape. Few rivers are present, but some small ponds and lakes are around, fed by underground springs. To the north are a chain of tall hills, forming a natural barrier against the wildfires that sweep from east to west.

Localized Phenomena

Every 10 years a great wildfire starts in the east and sweeps across the entire plain. No method nor magic can stop it, only slow its advance as it sets all in its path ablaze. The Firegate was constructed to prevent the fires from spreading past the Hotlands. The fact that it straddles the edge of the plains that spares it destruction.   At the suns peak, oppressive rays of sun beat down on all creatures in the plains. This daily event is called the Scorching, and is deadly to those unprepared for the 100Ā° plus temperatures. Shade from the tall trees shelters the lands creatures, and during this time even carnivores cease their search for food. The only creatures seemingly immune to the Scorching are reptiles and lizards, who simply enter states of torpor during the heat.


Sweltering year round. The winter months are only slightly cooler, and spring brings breezes that provide temporary relief from the sun.

Fauna & Flora

Tall grass covers nearly the entire plain. In sporadic locations, 5 foot tall Razorgrass is present. This grass is incredibly sharp, cutting and nicking all but the thickest of skin. Tall, narrow trees with large circular patterned branches dot the landscape, creating small copses of woods that shelter the plains creatures from the mid-day heat. Immediately after the once-every-decadeĀ    A variety of herbivore species populate the plains. Buffalo, antelope, gazelle, elephants, and ground mammals cover the landscape, feeding on the plentiful grasses. Massive reptiles feed off the trees, forming herds that can be seen from a great distance away. A great number of birds live here as well, from small songbirds to massive vultures and eagles.   Predators are uncommon, but frequently dangerous. Lions and hyenas stalk through the grass, ambushing the isolated animals that venture too close. Bulettes and giant reptiles sit on top as the apex predators.
Alternative Name(s)
Plains of Flame
Location under


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