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Cesare Shersk

Ambassador Cesare Shersk

Cesare Shersk (pronounced /cheh-zuh-rei/) is the eponymous founder of 'Le Azienda Shersk'; Chondathan dialectal for 'The Shersk Company', a mercantile concern with its main offices in Waterdeep, offering long-distance trade in a variety of goods, but primarily spices. Much of The Shersk Company's trade goes through or from The Free Cities of The Vilhon Reach, and allegations that the company has stakes in the slave trade have cropped up every few years or so, despite the shrewd patriarch's hopes to stamp out such rumors before they gain traction.  


Cesare is the father of Alzaren Shersk, Alzaren's sister Alane, and Alzaren's half-sister Lucrezia, born from Cesare's first wife. Cesare's first wife Anna died in childbirth, though he believes magic was used to weaken her constitution thus causing her death, this and Chondathans' long-standing distrust of magic has lead to his persisting hatred for magic.   Cesare can be seen as a cold man and one that married Alzaren's mother, Alessa, out of financial and political convenience rather than affection, she herself being born of a dalliance between her mother and an elven commoner, through this marriage Cesare garnered more affluence, but more importantly, favour with his wife's family, particularly his wife's grandfather, allowing him to leverage his political position to his advantage.   Ches 30, 1496 DR:   Alzaren and his companions visited the Shersk family villa in the North Ward of Waterdeep, though only Alzaren and Rufus, posing as an ordinary cat were permitted entry. Alzaren and Rufus entered and were met with the sour reception offered by Shersk's housemaid Mrs. Grimshaw, the woman had always been cruel to Alzaren and it seemed time had been no healer. Grimshaw showed the pair to Cesare's study who was standoffish towards his only son, not deigning to even turn to face him until he and his son clashed with Cesare angrily asking whether Alzaren had come to disrespect his father further, or whether he had come to disrupt his work. It was at this point Alzaren noticed papers on his father's desk from Chondath, naming Cesare as ambassador and Cesare's travel case packed on one end of the desk. Cesare confirmed his ambassadorial status and noted that Alzaren would of course have known if he were not off in Neverwinter wasting his time on frivolities to spite his father. Alzaren asked for any information his father could offer in his search for his missing half-sister Lucrezia and the events that led to his aunt & his uncle Mario's death, and indeed anything relating to the current occurences in the city, however, Cesare showed little concern for the fate of his brother and made no apologiesfor the fact. Only when Alzaren questioned Cesare's reticence over his daughter's disappearance did the man's stony countenance change; becoming one of frustration and anger, though the man quickly recovered arguing that his duties as ambassador did not allow him the privelege of falling apart under duress.   Cesare eventually intimated that he did not believe he had any information of relevance, considering that he and his brother had been estranged for many years he did not have an intimate eye into his life, however, he knew that Mario had been visiting the city every so often to meet with some silver-haired Elf, more than that he did not know. The two parted with the rift between them as wide as ever as a carriage arrived outside the villa to carry Cesare on his ambassadorial business to Neverwinter with Cesare calling for his porter to carry his cases to the carriage, he bid the housemaid to show Alzaren out as he himself let out the door towards the carriage. The remaining members of the party witnessed the man as he entered the carriage, some of them noticing as he looked back towards his son with something of a wistful gaze before letting out a sigh and entering the carriage rapping his cane on the interior roof and signaling the coachman to drive on.  


Cesare is a man of Chondathan stock, around average height and build, black of hair, though now greying at the temples, he can often be seen wearing fine clothing befitting a gentleman of his station and affluence, the most significant markers of this are the deep purple inlays of some of his coats and the silver pocketwatch that dangles from his watch chain.
Year of Birth
1446 51 Years old
Dark blue, squinty
Short, sleek, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
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