The Oplets Species in The Grand Sphere | World Anvil

The Oplets

Small, relatively weak creatures with one eye, the Oplets live in warrens underground. Notoriously secretive, they dislike letting outsiders into their warrens and do their best to share as little about their culture and knowledge as possible. They only reluctantly gave the Humans the secret to growing Bajamma Tubers in the desert when Third Prince Haebelian famously convinced them that it was in their best interests to do so.

Basic Information


Small bipeds the size of children with one, relatively large eye. They have hair that ranges wildly in colour and vividness.

Ecology and Habitats

They live underground in their warrens in the deserts of west Caloterr.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They're omnivores that mostly subsist on root vegetables and whatever creatures they find in the desert.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have poor depth-perception, but otherwise are similar to humans in this regard.


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