Caloterr Geographic Location in The Grand Sphere | World Anvil


A large landmass that lies south-east of Sancterr. It has been recently discovered by the Empire which has set up colonies on its west coast. It's home to a number of indigenous races, such as the Nagas, Cyclopses, Hobbits, and Oplets, and others as-yet undiscovered by the Empire.


Its west coast is an arid desert, which lead to its name, but it is also home to lush rain forests to the south-east and in its centre.

Natural Resources

The desert of its west coast is rich in arkisium, a dust unusually conducive to magical energy that makes large-scale Almanixian rituals practical. As it is exceptionally rare on Sancterr, it is highly sought-after by the Empire.
Included Locations


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