In the Inn

Life, Milestone

9/7 24:00

The party arrive at Gregi's Hut. They make a short trip to the bathhouse before going to sleep.

The party make their way to Gregi's Hut, the inn where they shall be staying for the duration of their contract with Daphne. Inside the tavern they see a variety of people: a small group of half-orcs laughing away at jokes, some children stealing food from a sleeping old man, and a group of men wearing goat pins discussing typical greasy old man things. Serving these men wine is a chained up elven man who wears a betrothal brace made of the same material Orethel's band was made from. This is Bolvar, Orethel's husband. The party make their way to the bathhouse where they meet another three elven slaves. The water in the bath is taken from a special magical spring not far from Maniti'Gregi. This water sometimes has a strange effect on people who interact with it, making them rather horny, for a lack of better words. The magical nature of the water attracts Estelle's attention and reacts with Sera's tattoos. One of the bathhouse girls pulls a elven clan book from the wall after seeing the reaction the water had to Sera's tattoos to show Sera the tattooed elves within the book.

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