The Drowning of Psaris

The New Dawn

0 ND and beyond

  • 1786 ND

    3 Benesut

    The Drowning
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 15:00

    In a Dark Dank Dungeon
    Life, Milestone

    The party awakes in a cell that overlooks the sea. An angry mob gathers nearby in the town of Maniti'Gregi as a strom brews over the distant city of Psaris.

  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 16:00

    The Eye
    Life, Relationship change

    A seemingly timid black haired woman named Daphne, the Eye of Maniti'Gregi, greets them in their cell.

  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 17:00

    Our Lord and Saviour, Daphne
    Life, Career

    Daphne saves the group from the angry mob and, as part of the contract, she sends the newly formed party on a mission to investigate the fate of her assistant.

  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 20:00

    The First, and Certainly Not Last, Waltz with the Wolves

    The body of Daphne's assistant, Orethel, is found not far outside of town with a strange artifact on his person. The party are attacked by wolves with some strange bramble infection which spreads into Darius' leg.

  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 21:00

    The Wolf in the Woods
    Life, Relationship change

    As these events unfold, a mysterious figure surrounded by wolves watches from the woods before disappearing into a flock of birds.

  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 22:00

    The Case of the Lost Leg
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Darius has his leg amputated by a priest of the god of husbandry.

  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 23:00

    Our - Actual - Lord and Saviour, Kleon
    Life, Relationship change

    The party meet Kleon, a priest of the god of husbandry, Krastaros.

  • 1786 ND

    9 Benesut 24:00

    In the Inn
    Life, Milestone

    The party arrive at Gregi's Hut. They make a short trip to the bathhouse before going to sleep.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 01:00

    Permahorny Elf Girls
    Life, Relationship change

    The party meet the elves who tend to the bathhouse: Ari, Nina and a third who's name is unknown.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 01:00

    "Th'auor Si Tharase"
    Life, Relationship change

    The party watch a chained up elven man serve a group of men wine. This man is Bolvar, Orethel's husband.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 10:00

    A Rude Awakening
    Life, Career

    Daphne sends the party to "take care" of an enemy of hers, Chryseis, and retrieve an artifact from him, similar to the one found on Orethel's body.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 18:00

    Time to Tango

    As the party travels through the fields outside of Maniti'Gregi, headed towards Chryseis' last known location, they encounter a familiar threat, the bramble infected wolves and the mysterious figure from the woods.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 19:00

    The House Upon the Hill

    After watching Chryseis leave the outpost upon the hill, the party sneak inside and explore. There they come across some disturbing sights but also some interesting information, giving some insight into the purpose of this outpost, the mysterious elven cult and potentially the nature of the storm brewing above Psaris.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 20:00

    A Shark's Bite

    While exploring Chryseis' outpost the party discover a sleeping elven woman in a cage and are successful in their attempt to free her as quickly as they can before Chryseis returns.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 21:00

    The Shark
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 22:00

    The Banshee

    As Chryseis begins to approach the outpost the party run and hide in the basement. While down there they accidently disturb an ancient elven spirit and, in the commotion, draw the attention of Chryseis. As the party attempts to return the angry spirits tomb to its former state, the spirit takes its revenge on Chryseis.

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 23:00

    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    10 Benesut 24:00

    The Timid Tiefling
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 01:00

    Séra and the Astral Pyre
    Disaster / Destruction

    As the party safely ride away from the outpost with their new friend and party member, the building is set alight at the request of Séra’s patron and soon turns into an astral fire completely consuming the building and burning it to the ground.

  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 12:00

    A Trip Around Town
    Life, Career

    The party go for a wander around town where they meet a new face and prominent figure in the town. While talking to this person, a mysterious figure slips Séra a note.

  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 13:00

    Fruity? It's a Hag!
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 14:00

    Churchy Business
    Life, Career

    Estelle heads to the church to inquire about a personal matter. While she is there Kleon and another priest, Elias, pull her aside and asks that, if possible, she and the rest of the party could venture on a mission to retrive the "Well of Rebirth", a magical item that could possibly cure the mysterious bramble illness spreading throughout the town.

  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 19:00

    The Rebellion
    Life, Career

    Following the instructions on the note, Séra leads the party to the hub of the elven rebellion. A regal looking elven lady sitting on a throne, the presumed leader of this rebellion, asks that we kill the leader of the Maniti'Gregi Slavers Guild, Master Euclades, and join them in overthrowing the town.

  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 20:00

    The Slaughter of the Slaver

    The party successfully ambush and kill Master Euclades on his farm estate. On his body they find a letter discussing how the mayor of Maniti'Gregi, Mayor Grigoris, and Master Euclades were planning on assassinating Daphne.

  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 21:00

    Who Needs to Stick to a Plan Anyway?

    The party head back to the town, Arlo and Darius enter as themselves whereas Séra and Estelle enter disguised, with Séra being disguised as Master Euclades. Séra and Estelle march around the town demanding that the guards give them the artifacts they hold in an effort to try and ease tensions between the guards of the town and the soon to be coming elven rebellion.

  • 1786 ND

    11 Benesut 23:00

    The Grove of the Forgotten Tree

    Now searching for the Well, the party come across an ancient elven temple known as the "Grove of the Forgotten Tree". Inside Séra finds a room containing an ancient elven tree, a memory tree, sacred to her goddess, but the tree is very much dead. Also found in this room are many dead ancient elven priestesses whose life force is being fed to the Well of Rebirth. The magical water flowing from the well and out of the temple is trying to revive the dead tree and is what gives life to the surrounding forest. Séra lies and tells the party that the Well cannot be taken. As the party leave the temple they are confronted by Calypso and her fellow Sisters of the Woods as they are angered by Séra stopping the water from flowing out of the temple. The Sisters of the Woods return Séra's cat to her and tell the party to never return to these woods ever again.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 01:00

    Maybe Séra Did Pack the Cat Sized Armbands After All!
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 02:00

    The Aftermath of the Conflict
    Disaster / Destruction

    Estelle and Arlo head back to Maniti'Gregi. They return to the gory aftermath of a conflict, the bodies of both elves from the rebellion and citizens of the town almost floating in a pool of blood, the screams of those in pain, both emotional and physical, echoing out for all to hear. Daphne's tower burns along with many other buildings in the town and the church complex is overgrown with vines and brambles.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 02:00

    The Singing Swarm

    Séra and Darius head to Alethia's house. On the journey Séra hears two voices coming from a flock of birds flying above, one speaks of devouring while the other asks someone for forgiveness.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 03:00

    Was it all for Nothing?

    Estelle delivers the diluted magical water from the Well of Eternity to Kleon and joins him in his efforts to cure those infected with the mysterious bramble disease. As they attempt to cure the tavern lady from Gregi's Hut, the brambles seem to react to the water and her body explodes. Estelle escapes the church along with the uninfected people of town who were hiding out in a secret passage, she heads back to the town as they flee into the darkness. Walking through the town she finds the leader of the elven rebellion leaning over Nina's dying, if not already dead, body.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 04:00

    Everyone's Favourite Murder Himbo
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 05:00

    Alethia's Kind of Funky Hut

    When the whole party arrive at Alethia's house she tells them the story of how the mysterious wolf lady became the way she is now and asks them to kill said wolf lady for her. The party also learn of Alethia's gran who, according to Alethia, has some strange dreams and knows some old nature-like magic, but it is clear that there is something bigger going on.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 12:00

    Some Insight from our Sweet Innocent Grandmother
    Life, Career

    Alethia tells the party that her gran thought that there may be some events going on in town that may interest them, potentially some events related to the mysterious cult.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 13:00

    The Waves Come Crashing Down

    The party sneak into the town and find the mayor gathering survivors in the square, standing next to an unfamiliar woman and the supposed captain of the guards. As the mayor gives a speech, the guards, who are wearing strange masks, hand out suspicious drinks to the survivors. Quite suddenly the survivors start collapsing and a sacrificial circle is drawn by the guards. The mysterious woman next to the mayor turns out to be a sea hag, who the party kills, and the captain of the guards turns out to be the Salt Prince, who ends up killing the mayor. Many elves, including Ari and Bolvar, appear from numerous different places around the square and follow the Salt Prince as he leads them out of the town.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 14:00

    The Salt Prince
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 14:00

    The Cult of the Writhing Depths
    Life, Organisation Association
  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 15:00

    Farewell Maniti'Gregi
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 16:00

    The Final Dance

    The party have one final stand off with the wolf lady resulting in her death. The lady turned out to be a priestess of a wolf goddess of protection that was corrupted by the magical crown on her head, which the party end up taking.

  • 1786 ND

    12 Benesut 18:00

    Back to the Funky Hut

    Alethia cares for the party after their battle with the corrupted priestess and rewards them by giving them some gifts. She cleanses the mysterious crown for the party and tells them its story, the story of the Jaws of Lykaeron, and also tells them that she has the bramble situation handled. Adding further suspicion to her and her gran, Alethia asks if some members of the party could drop the priestess' body outside of her grans bedroom door and, as this is done, a few other unusual things around the house begin to stand out to them.

  • 1786 ND

    13 Benesut 20:00

    Uncle Kaz
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    13 Benesut 24:00

    Yet Another Rude Awakening

    After leaving Alethia's house the party set up camp somewhere nearby. In the middle of the night they are rudely awoken by a centaur attack.

  • 1786 ND

    14 Benesut 9:00
    1786 ND

    16 Benesut 9:00

    Off to Psadaros we go
    Life, Relocation
  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 10:00

    Welcome to Psadaros
    Life, Milestone

    The party arrive in the woodland town of Psadaros. They explore the town, ending up in places such as the rather busy local market and the library, where they meet a quite intimidating Leonin paladin. While exploring the town they also discover that the mayor has mysteriously vanished into thin air, presumably somewhat recently.

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 12:00

    Our Father
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 13:00

    Family Trip to the Museum
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party visit the museum which very incorrectly and disrespectfully displays the culture and history of an old elven clan, much to Séra's disliking.

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 14:00

    The Attack of the Werebears
    Disaster / Destruction

    A commotion at one of the entrances to Psadaros grabs the attention of the party, leading to them fighting and killing a werebear who had rather violently entered the town.

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 15:00

    He's Playing "Good Cop, Bad Cop" but He's Both
    Gathering / Conference

    After the battle with the werebear the party are scolded by the guards for getting involved. The guards take them to the council of Psadaros, acting in the absence of the mayor, for questioning.

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 16:00

    In the Name of the Furian
    Life, Career

    The party sign a contract with the Eye of Psadaros to investigate the werebears that are attacking the town from the woods.

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 17:00

    Just Your Average Bitter Old Man
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 17:00

    Singing "Pretty Green Eyes" (Except His Eyes Are Purple, Not Green)
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 17:00

    The Other Eye
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 18:00

    A Spot of Shopping
    Financial Event

    The party wander around the local market and do a spot of shopping.

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 19:00

    Utriex the Destroyer Joins the Party
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 22:00

    Who Doesn't Love the Panto?
    Cultural event

    The party attend the panto about a very famous and important historial event known as The Exodus.

  • 1786 ND

    16 Benesut 24:00

    Shenanigans After the Panto
    Life, Milestone

    After the panto, the party and Obu decide to hang out together, they play some music, dance around a little, and just have a good time. Eventually, Estelle and Hector decide to lick Utriex. This leads Hector to have a bad trip, quite literally cuasing him to go insane, and Estelle to have some visions that start to become a bit too real. In an attempt to get Hector to calm down a little, some party members decide to feed Hector the mysterious potions they found back in Maniti'Gregi.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 9:00

    Where Did Our Friends Go?
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Estelle, Séra and Arlo wake to find that Darius and Hector are nowhere to be found.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 10:00

    Into the Thick of it

    The party head into the woods, following the map that the mayor's uncle had given Estelle earlier in the day.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 11:00

    The Ambush

    After heading to the location marked on the map by the mayor's uncle, the party are ambushed.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 13:00

    Why do we Always End up in Dark Dank Dungeons?

    The party awake chained up in a dungeon with a sleeping elven woman and a potentially dead human man. The elven woman turns out to be pretending to sleep and her chains turn out to be an illusion. She proceeds to help set the party free.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 14:00

    The Soon to be World Renowned Dragon Slayer
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 15:00

    When Dungeons and Dragons Actually has Dungeons and Dragons

    Exploring the dungeon, the party discover a room filled with chests and, quite unfortunately, Estelle finds out that these chests are filled with dead people, including the bodies of children the party encountered in Maniti'Gregi. They also discover a room with a large red ritualistic circle, surrounded and filled with writing in Sylvan, words that Séra cannot repeat so to not invite "her" attention. Continuing to explore, they discover a group of cult members that set a blue dragon loose on the party.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 16:00

    Ancient Findings
    Discovery, Exploration

    As the party continue to explore they discover that the dungeon they are in is actually a recent extension on an ancient elven temple dedicated to a bear god. In this temple there is an ancient elven tree, a tree that stores information similar to a book, that grabs Séra's attention. Also in the temple is a room covered is murals depicting events from the long night and containing ancient sleeping warrior elves that existed during that period, untouched by time, protected by some sort of magical crystal, waiting to be awoken should their clan be in trouble.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 17:00

    Mysterious Gifts from an Even More Mysterious F(r)iend

    Estelle encounters a hag who also turns out to be one of the prophets of the Cult of the Writhing Depths. She bestows Estelle with some mysterious magical gifts and gives her free access to her library, but once in the library Estelle discovers that she has stolen the Jaws of Lykaeron and all cult artifacts from the party.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 18:00

    The Fiend
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 18:00

    We Have a Child Now
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 19:00

    Interrogation Time

    Estelle and Arlo set out without Séra who is in some sort of trance at the elven tree. Tharra and the remaining party part ways after she has knocked out some cult members she had encountered while exiting. The party interrogate these cult members, getting some answers on the motivation and purpose of the cult, the gods they worship, and the prophets that run the operation.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 20:00

    The Little Town of Brysonmoor

    Looking for somewhere to rest, the party head towards the small trading port of Brysonmoor where they decide to take a room for the night. While exploring the town the party discover some things that don't seem quite right and don't seem to add up.

  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 21:00

    The Friendly Host
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    17 Benesut 23:00

    The Secret that Lies Beneath This Town
    Discovery, Exploration

    With suspicions high, Arlo sends his familiar to investigate further. Beneath a trap door in Kéra's bedroom he finds a whole underground system - he sees statues clearly depicting all the members of the Anden'Senére and discovers a number of elves are hiding out under the town. He also sees statues depicting members of the Eren'Senére, the statue of the Raven is defiled and the statue of the Nightsaber sends out a burst of magical energy as Arlo's familiar passes, killing him instantly.

  • 1786 ND

    18 Benesut 23:00

    The Investigation Begins

    The party sneak beneath the town, exploring what is below. There they speak to some elves, uncover why these elves are here, and also learn more about the prophets of the cult and the influence they hold over Psaris. There the party also destroy the statue of the Nightsaber, as Estelle was instructed to do so by the goddess herself, claiming it was blasphemy and was causing her offence. While exploring the party are attacked by some cult members.

  • 1786 ND

    19 Benesut 01:00

    "Come Back to Me, I Know You're Still In There"

    The party witness a demonic blood magic ritual turn a human man, who they soon find out to be Kéra's husband, into some sort of sea creature who attacks the party and Kéra. The party kill the violent sea creature that Kéra's husband has become, much to her dislike.

  • 1786 ND

    19 Benesut 02:00

    The Plot Continues to Thicken

    Exploring the area around the blood ritual, the party discover more interesting information and valuable items, much of which is in relation to the cult. Here there is also a sleeping warrior elf, similar to the ones in the temple the party were in previously, though it is clear that this one has recently been moved here.

  • 1786 ND

    19 Benesut 03:00

    The Quite Disastrous Attempt to Save These People from Certain Doom

    Arlo has a vision and warns Estelle that these people may now be in danger. In an attempt to rescue them, the party cause a distraction in Psadaros to draw attention away from themselves so they can sneak the elves into a secret tunnel in the back of the museum, of which they know the existence of thanks to the Nightsaber. This plan does not quite work out causing them to be caught by mage... and escort the elves into the museum himself, not allowing the party to follow.

  • 1786 ND

    19 Benesut 9:00
    1786 ND

    21 Benesut 9:00

    Training and Teaching
    Life, Milestone

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 10:00

    Anything for you Horse Shit Boy
    Life, Milestone

    The stable boy comes to the party asking for their help. He initially doesn't tell the party what he needs help with but they soon find out that he wants us to heal his great-grandfather, the mayor's uncle, who has been taken prisoner for acting against the town. He was accused of leading the party into the ambush though the stable boy claims that it is probably not possible that his great-grandfather could have drawn the map that lead the party there in the first place.

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 11:00

    The Party are Reunited! (Kinda...)
    Life, Milestone

    The party greet Séra as she returns to Psadaros and, as they are about to leave the town, they meet a new friend.

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 13:00

    The Quarrel
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party head into the woods once again and come across an ancient elven temple, another elven temple dedicated to the bear god. As the party approach they hear two people arguing inside the temple, one voice is Elise and the other is unknown to the party, but is presumably another prophet. This person storms off in a rage and before the party know it they turn into a green dragon and fly away over their heads.

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 14:00

    The Green Dragon, King of this Forest
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 15:00

    The Flankers Get Flanked
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party begin to explore the temple, first coming across a room that holds yet another elven book tree which once again grabs Séra attention. Going on without Séra who is in a coma like state, the party are attacked by some cult members. They then proceed to find a password which leads them to a hidden underground section of the temple.

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 16:00

    And so the Party is Complete... Hooray?

    I am going to be perfectly honest with you guys, the shenanigans that followed when the whole party (minus Séra) came together are so shambolic that I don't actually really know what happened. There was shouting, cleaning, petting of vines, passing of friendship bracelets, potential stealing and selling of eggs, and also quite literal fighting over dead bodies. It was... something alright.

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 17:00

    "A Friendship Bracelet for You, A Friendship Bracelet for You, A Friendship..."
    Life, Relationship change
  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 17:00

    The Most Seductive Member of the Party
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 18:00

    Yes Ma'am, We do Roll to Seduce the Hot Lady

    A woman known as the Green Lady tries to tell Atlas to take the newly founded party back to their cells, much to their disliking. The party first attempt to seduce her and, when  they somewhat fail, fight her until she surrenders. Once she surrenders the party interogate her about various different things

  • 1786 ND

    21 Benesut 19:00

    "Here Lies the Defender of the People, Heart of the Blessed, Warden of the Forest. Blessed be her Sacrifice"
    Life, Death

    The party continue to explore the temple and come across an archway protected by a wall of sentient vines. The party attempt to communicate with the vines and ask them to let them in. The vines say that their purpose is to protect "her" and ask that, if granted entry, they save her from the corruption that plagues her and "her chosen". Finally, the party discover that Hector's blood causes the vines to receed and open up the archway. Walking through the archway, the party enter a section of the land of nature spirits which is bursting with life, other than an area plagued by some sort of corruption. From this corruption emerges a bear spirit with a spear sticking out of its back, this spear being the thing causing the corruption in the bear and thus the land and the people we now know are werebears, "her chosen". The bear swiftly charges towards the party, instantly killing Arlo (who is later ressurected). Jevth takes an opportunity to scale the bear and reaches for the spear but as some members of the party begin to root for him to remove it, and evil entity within the spear offers him a great deal of power if he pushes the spear further in. And so he pushes the spear. As some members of the party grieve the loss of a spirit of the wilds, Lilith grabs the spear from Jevth's hands, absorbing all of its power and giving the evil entity contained within a new body. As these events unfold, the black wolf, white wolf and bear gods of the wilds watch from afar.