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The Drav are a proud and hardworking people native to the north western end of Nog Hhreud. For centuries they worked the fertile lands and provided for each other. When the other tribes of man fought over the right to rule over each other, the Drav banded together to keep themselves free from their rule. It wasn't until the Kingdom of Frontonce united all the southern tribes of Frons and Duish were the Drav conquered. For several centuries the Drav have lived under the oppressive rule of the Frons. In 240 EM, Albena the Silent returned to her homeland and declared that her people were free from the rule of the Order. This angered Guiscard the Holy but he allowed Albena to govern her people as long as their remained an ally.

Cultural Expertise


The Drav are skilled Equestrian's and learn from a very young age to ride a horse. For years they have fielded some of the finest horses and cavalry for the armies of the Kingdom of Frontonce and the Order. 


Due to the flat nature of their homeland, the Drav have long used bows to hunt for food. When man began to grow their own food, the Drav did not abandon archery but began to prefect if for war. Some of the finest bows are crafted by the Drav and they have exported thousands to conflicts throughout the world. Along side their riding skills, the Drav are skilled archers on horseback. It was these skills that allowed them to remain unconquered for years. 


Major language groups and dialects

The Drav speak the common language of Pangerian, however they speak in a dialect of the language called Dro.

Culture and cultural heritage

Because of the open expanse of the region, the Drav have become master equestrian's and fletchers. It's said that children are taught how to ride horses as young as 4 and are trained in archery as soon as they can manage a bow.

Shared customary codes and values

The Drav take pride in all aspects of their work. They believe that anything that they need should be made or harvested by Drav hands. This has allowed them to remain independent from the outside world. The Drav take pride in the fact that far more is exported than imported into the nation.

Art & Architecture

The Drav are not flashy and rarely take part in the written or drawn arts. The only arts within their culture is through song and dance. Most of their architecture is simple and functional. The only buildings in the regions that are extravagant are the churches built by the Order before the rise of the Dominion. Drav construction consists of two types. Wood framed homes with hemp paper walls and large tents made of hemp canvas. The wood framed homes are common is larger towns and settlements. As where the tents is common at forts and smaller villages. Tents homes are popular with the smaller settlements as it required less timer as in larger settlements had better access to timber. 


Beauty Ideals

The Drav care little for outside beauty. Their idea of beauty is connected to the land that provides for them. A woman's beauty is closely related to how she tends to her family. To them true beauty lies within and how you treat one another.

Courtship Ideals

When a man courts a woman he must offer a feast to the woman's family. The feast takes place at the man's home to show the woman's family that he will be able to provide her a home and to be able to feed her. When the woman's parents both agree then during the next harvest festival the couple takes part in the festival's group marriage ceremony.

Drav Complexion:

The Drav have fair white skin that warms in the sunny skies of the northern end of Nog Hhreud. They hair color ranges from light brown all the way to blonde. Their eyes are commonly green but sometimes turn blue. 

Naming Traditions


Feminine Naming:

Aleksandra, Evelina, Ivana, Petra, Etc. 

Masculine Naming:

Anton, Boris, Damyan, Yoana, Etc.

Family Names:

Dragov, Cvetkov, Genov, Lazarov, Petrov, Etc.  
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species

Estimated Drav Population:

~2.7 Million

The Drav rarely travel outside of their native homeland. They have long wished to remain outside of the world affairs. However, the Kingdom of Frontonce and the Order have long tried to use their strength to tighten their grip over the continents. Most Drav seen outside of their homeland are usually soldiers sent off to war. In centuries past, the Drav were the ones who helped a tribe of elves flee from the Bloodletting. Those who left have united their blood and are now known as the Iklans. 

Gods & Deities

The Drav were never a religious tribe and often worked hard to survive regardless of the actions of the Gods. They offered no prayers or distain to any Gods of Old.

Albena the Silent

After years of oppression from the Kingdom and then the Order, It was a Drav women and a former Bannerman of Frontonce named Albena who freed them. She had left long ago to serve in the Kingdoms armies and was sent east to fight the Es-Ran. When she returned she was a Goddess among men. She had not aged a day from when she left and possessed angelic wings that lifted her above the heads of men.

Cover image: by piotrdura


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