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Kingdom of Ossenia

The Kingdom of Ossenia is the remanence of the Principality of Regnis. Founded in 628 BEM after the fall of the Principality of Regnis, Ossenia became locked in a stalemate with the Kingdom of Frontonce. After a few years of fighting the Kingdom offered a ceasefire, For years the Kingdom of Ossenia refused their ceasefire and continued to fight a gorilla war with the Kingdom. Eventually Ossenia agreed to a ceasefire and and exchange of hostages in good faith. The peace between the nations lasted for hundreds of years until the Order of the White Sun overthrew the Kingdom. War broke out as zealots from the Order looked to exterminate Ossenia for their faith in the Old Gods.



The Kingdom of Ossenia is ruled over by the princes of the royal family. The Princes for a sort of council where each prince has an equal say. Any matter of importance is voted on by the princes with each decision being made by a majority vote. There has been times in Ossenia's history where the kingdom has been ruled over by almost a dozen princes and also by a single prince alone.

Royal Family

The royal family has been an important part in not only Ossenia's history but also in the Principality of Regnis. Over the centuries power has shifted within the family as different princes have established their children as the ruling party.

Noble Houses

The noble houses of Ossenia have been the backbone of the kingdom since its founding. When the Principality of Regnis fell, much of the nations wealth and navy was taken by the Kingdom of Frontonce. With the help of the noble houses the Royal Family was able to reestablish themselves through trade with the Kingdom of the Spring Isles


640 - 628 BEM

When the Princes of old pushed aside the notion that the Kingdom of Frontonce would ever invade, several lower houses along side other members of the royal family went north to establish a stronghold in case of war. Many viewed that they were fearmongering in an attempt to seize power. When war finally broke out they sent for the remaining royal family to flee north. They royal family refused believing that they would be able to push back the Kingdom's forces. When the capital city of Regnis fell, King Richard sent half of the invading forces north to root out the remaining Ossen. When the armies reached the "" mountains they were faced with a well intrenched army. For over a year the Kingdom's forces attempted to cross lake "". When this failed they attempted to bother cross and maneuver around the "" mountains. All these attempts failed with a significant loss of life. Eventually King Richard called a majority of the forces back to aid in the war against the Confederation of Drav. The forces that remained behind set up a defensive line and eventually entered into a stale mate with the Ossenia.
Founding Date
628 BEM
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Ossenia, Last Princes of Ossen
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by memod


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