Edgewater Cedar

The process for the impregnation of these wetland cedars with volatile compounds was discovered in a joint venture with The Forgemaster, You Khamere and Cloquet of Cloquet and Sons. During one of their ship building enterprises while Khamere was attempting to devise a way to keep sealife from clinging to the hulls of ships, Khamere had wanted to encrust the hull in runes as was their penchant to do so.
Cloquet had objected to this methodology as it was prohibitively expensive at the time. In addition to this, Cloquet was also facing a shortage of copper and copper based enamels for the ship as well, the mine in the Central Mountains had fallen onto a dry bore site that was yielding far less than previously expected. As the project contained and the two had to find a feasible and economic material to use they had heard of an incident in the shipyards where a vat of Naphtha had broken open.
During the clean up process, Khamere had noticed that the high pressure liquid had penetrated deep into a wetland cedar tree. Also noting that the plant life had begun to quickly dry out and perish in the caustic vitriol. Cloquet had noticed Khamere's interest in the tree, wandering over to speculate with the Gnome. Without a word Khamere had scooped up a handful of the fluid and tossed it onto a separate untainted area of grass, nothing had happened, the plant life remained mostly unchanged.
Asking Cloquet if there were more of these trees, she pointed them out. A small circle around them being sparse in other plant forms, the Forgemaster wondered if they could repeat this process. A few weeks later, Cloquet and Sons had bought the patent for Edgewater Cedar from Khamere. The oil soaked wood making process had proved an invaluable asset to the company. The Naphtha, highly water-phobic, clung to the ship's hulls like it was going out of style. The Aromatic preservative qualities of the Cedar had an odd chemical reaction that quelled wood worms, barnacles, and algae from growing on the hulls.
Though to the ship building enterprise, they were far more concerned with the fact that the treated boards were nearly half the price of the copper plating and enamels, without sacrificing durability.


The processed wood is now widely used in a number of projects. Despite its widespread use in the shipwrights and construction, it also made a popular roofing material in the eastern half of Huron and near the Valley of Mists where moss growth and algae grew rampant in the humid air. Leading to an accelerated rate of decay for any wooden structures or structural components.
Though not limited to just structural elements, it is popular among tool makers. The wood being easy to work with making it a medium weight material, despite it being somewhat annoying to anyone trying to clean up the slightly oily sawdust it gives off, the material is widely used as it has a springy and resilient quality making it ideal for a wide range of tools and handles.
  Though, its crowning use was for it widespread use on The Dreadnaught Arelion, being used in everything from flooring and decorative scroll work.


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