Ith'ly Lurker

Come child, let me tell you of the ones that lurk in the dark. The feeling of being watched, the noise in a quiet room. The face you've seen in your dreams, the one at the window, tap tap tapping away. Don't look at it, don't speak to it, don't look at it. Dare not say it's name in dark room with friend or fear. Don't say it with candles lit, not with arc lamp humming away in the corner.   Here it comes, tramping through the grass, don't you dare look at it through the hour glass. Run run run, little child, if you hear the rushed whispering all the while. Damned it the one who is caught, run for it will make you its drought. A boiling mess of the splosh you will be while it beats you with a swatch.   Run run and hide if you might, for you will never know a fright. It's eyes dark and firey, never will you write again in the diary. Skin dark and pale, it will always answer you in the gale. Fear not, fear none, for if you never look at it you will be safe hun. Now run and play, while it watched throughout the day.   If you hear the knock at the door and it whispers to you that your dreams are on the floor. Don't set your feet down on the ground, or cease it will all your sound. If you hear you mother, or your brother, or you da, or sister calling your name from the night. Remember child they sleep in the same room with you, don't try as you might.   Now remember the lesson you heard, and go chase that bird. Don't look at Ith'ly, don't say it's name thrice. Run and hide, or you will end up in it's rice.


It is a common rhyme found throughout the fields surrounding Huron, commonly told by children to scare the younger kids. It has made it's sounds throughout the City State, eventually spreading to Kingdom Of Galus through the Galus Route as merchants would occastionally bring their children along with them. Spawning the Legend of Ith'ly the Lurker, the one who watches, the one who catches.


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