Koroth's Respite Item in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Koroth's Respite

by Thereasonwhy

As seen in

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The object works in an odd fashion. While it does have a series of tubes and dials inside the casing, they act more as resonators than anything else. The rune sturcture synergized nicely, with a rune of dreams etched into the top
As well as a Rune of sound etched into the bottom
Where all tuning of the object came from is tightening or loosening the resonators inside it.


In the early days of the The Forgemaster, You Khamere's stay in Kingdom Of Galus, the Forgemaster discovered a rune structure that emitted a continuous note. Dialing in the noise, it was softened, refined. In the modern rendition of the Respite, it mimics the sound of rushing air and a brushless motor. Many attribute it to sounding like wind through the trees.  
The Forgemaster began selling these as a calming product for children who could not sleep. The item became so popular inside the City with parents that it started to grow in notoriety heading south into both Willowbrook and Port De Renard. The item eventually trancended it's original purpose, as many people took to using the Respite for themselves. Many prefering to sleep with the Respite to lull them into dreams.  
The Forbearance of Koroth The Eight Divines had taken an interest in the item. The Priesthood sought to use the Respite as a tool to help teach parents of newborn children a lesson in Patience. They bought the rights to produce the item from the Forgemaster for a heafty sum, producing the item themselves inside their Chantries. This had the effect that the priesthood would hand the item out in droves to anyone who wanted one. So long as they said a prayer to Koroth.


The item had earned the Forgemaster their original reputation, based off the amount of production the item took. Though the Forgemaster will never freely admit it, they are quite happy to not have to produce the object anymore. It really did take up a lot of their resources and time.  
The Forbearance Priesthood of Koroth inadvertly caused an issue. As children grew up in the presence of the item for so long, many cannot sleep peacefully without it. Though the Respite has been noted, to cause an actual increase in the quality of sleep people have, as observed by The College of Welkford and their medical examinations.
Cross section of A Respite
Creation Date
Extremely common
1" cylinder, about 5" long
Base Price
Originally sold for 7 coins, now it is Free


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