The Eight Divines

It is not difficult to contact the gods, they do listen. Occasionally they appear to their worshipers. What is difficult, however, is to have them appear before you in their divine form. To speak to them as an individual and not just a thought in the mind. To have one of the gods appear before you is to either be graced with the luck of a lifetime, or to be given a task no mere mortal can sustain for long.


The Eight Divines are a widely worshiped Pantheon of gods inside the interior of the continent. They represent eight human ideals that the living wish to see represented among their fellow denizens of The Great Tree. While many shrines, churches, cathedrals and monasteries can be found amongst the babble of human habitation, all cities tend to have a focus on one god or another.   The Various Priesthoods are that of:   The Bishops of Xelex: Self described agents of Order   The Sorority of Azu: While not limited to women, they are described as bringers of love and enjoyment   The Cult of Bhal: Self described vectors of ambition and change   College of Welkford: There is no charity without self sacrifice   The Chantry of Vilroeth: The truth is decribed only in freedom   The Pageantry of Azulu: Self decribed as Agents of worldly affairs   The Forbarence of Koroth: Self described as a patience unending   Munificent of Kinlith: The faith is bent on bringing wealth to the world through any means nessessary

Granted Divine Powers

by Thereasonwhy
Invariably the divines are depicted with eyes that span on in immensity, or burn with a fire that is not affected by air, temperature or any other outside factor. The divine fire that emanates from their eyes smolders placidly or rages with an unquenchable heat, depending on the deity's mood at the time.               .

Political Influence & Intrigue

Currently there are four major sects within the Mainland continent. That being the:  
  • Gnomes of Mhuzelt and their adament worship of The seven.
  • The Dwarves refusal to recognise The Seven and their worship of The Watchers
  • The main Eight gods of the Pantheon in Galus, Huron and The Northern Wastes
  • The Caliphates steadfast worship of Bhal
    This dicotomy of the Gnomes and the Dwarves has been a topic of strife since The Hammer fall. This single difference in their faiths has been the cause of many engagements with the Ilse of Mhuzelt. The Dwarves and Gnomes are required to sign a peace treaty when inside the Kingdom Of Galus or Huron.  
    The recent rendition of the Caliphate under the Ramac was the main Cause for the Continent wide war for their belief in the words of Bhal.
    There are a few variations of the gods as they exist. The Mhuzelti denizens worship the Seven Mountains and the Eternal Watchers. The Seven mountains being Vilroeth, Azu, Azulu, Koroth, Kinlith, Bhal, and Xelex, the Eternal Watchers are a trio of gods/goddess by the name of Villy, Syn, and Kin.   The Other variant is of the Caliphate that predominantly worships Bhal and Vilroeth.
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