Staff of Kari Item in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Staff of Kari

As seen in


The staff was passed from the pervious High Priestess of the Goblin clan south of City of Glaion in the Kingdom Of Galus. It was meant to be a simple passing of titles, it was meant to be simple symbol of rank. Alas, nothing in life is ever simple, not when you have the memories of the fallen attached to they gifts they give you.  
The staff is of simple contruction, wood taken from the roots of an ancient white tree at the base of the Vilothric Mountian range. The High Priestess and her disciple were meant to go to the tree together, and make a staff for the diciple. These staffs are meant to be unique to the holder, and rarely ever pass hands down to the next generation. However, Ilgor of the Skullbrood Clan and Mother Kari, High Priestess of the Skullbrood Clan were never given the opportunity. As Kari was in failing health at the time this ceremony was to take place.  
Ilgor was given the staff, and she treasures it in remembrance of the Mother she never had. Given to her by the feeble hands of the Clan's Mother, teacher, matriarch.  


Now this is an interesting persepective, as significance is entirely a subjective issue when in the hands of us mortals. While the staff is symbolic, it is the icon on which the High Priestess stands, to anyone except the Goblins it is a insignificant mildly magical staff. That is to say, that there is not a single caster on the continent that would not enjoy the power such a conduit would grant, but to who holds it now. Well, that is entirely different, a staff filled with the memories and lessons given to her. A lifetime of Prayers suffused into its wood, smoothed by decades of use. Significant to a single individual, I'd say that is more than enough.
"She still felt Ilgor pouring power into her, that warmth and calm was welcome. Though she knew her tired old bones were only lent to the world. They were never hers to keep forever. “You look tired, Ilgor. Rest.” She rasped out." -Excripts from the world.


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