Mother Kari, High Priestess of the Skullbrood Clan

As seen in

Mother Kari

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She became the Priestess of the Clan when she was sixteen, being considered young for a Priestess by the Clan. However, the current Mother of the Clan, Misry, disagreed. She saw that Kari had a talent for healing, enamored with the teachings from their holy book. The Chief at the time, an older Raider named Roland, was meant to begin teaching her fighting to become a raider as all the clan had done at this age.
Misry had decided she should not become a raider at all, but become her disciple instead. Her Ceremony had gone smoothly with few complications. Since the decision was made that she wouldn't be a raider, she would routinely not understand the issues the raiders faced. Always ending up spending quite a bit of time healing the bruised and battered raiders. Misry would pass a few years after Kari became the new Priestess. Misry's health began to decline after the Ceremony, Kari spent many long months attempting to cure her. She was ultimately unsuccessful, an issue she never really moved past.
After this event, she had become close friends with Ghet at this time. She had also begun understanding more of how knowing more about the body and different illnesses would make her healing magic more effective from the books and manuscripts Ghet had raided from travelers. She had started to get quicker with this, the wounds she healed stayed closed, healed more evenly. By all rights, the Clan considered her more effective than Misry had ever been. When one day, Roland had bungled a raid and brought back a dozen wounded raiders, she had developed a close connection with one of the Raiders named Folt.
He had been the most injured out of the group. Having to spend weeks healing him, all that time spent together had developed into a romance. She had misgivings about pursuing this, it was rare that the Priestess of the clan would start a family due to the demands on them from the clan. Though, Ghet would encourage her to do so. He would tell her that she deserved the happiness, and maybe it would help her move past her failure to heal Misry.
Months went by as she grew closer to Folt, eventually doing the marriage ceremony herself, after dragging Roland into the central caverns to fulfill his duties as Father to the Clan. Months later she was pregnant with her first child with Folt. Though a few things would complicate this new chapter in her life. Yorm had started to rise in power with the raiders, and after Roland's continued issues with raids at this time, he was losing favor. Folt had sided with Yorm, and when the day came where Yorm would challenge Roland, a clan-wide fight would begin. Roland had his group of loyalists fight alongside him as he fought with Yorm. Folt had tragically died during the challenge along with a few of the other members of the family.
The grief Kari had felt over the loss of Folt had caused her to miscarry her child. Ghet had spent many years following the tragic event helping her move on. She would delve deeper into her faith for comfort, and expanded her abilities in magic to a great degree. She spent years guiding Yorm down the path of faith, and began teaching medicine to many of clan members.
She became very protective over any of the women of the clan that became pregnant. She also routinely would force Yorm into participating with the protection of them. Because of her, the title of Mother, would take on a much more symbolic meaning with the growing children of the clan. She became more or less synonymous with the actual mothers of the Clan.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Quite proud she is over her ability to bring modern medicine to the village. Many of the raids and hunts being far more survivable under her direction. While she hasn't taken any students except Ilgor, she has taught quite a few of the raiders basic field medicine. In her tenure as Mother, she has rid the clan of many of the infectious diseases brought on by the raids. Tetanus, pox and Malaria being the prime examples, as she has worked her prayers into a pseudo-immunization to the illnesses.
She also has fostered one of the most proficient generations of children the Family has seen in decades. She will see no wrong done to them, especially after the failed defense of the clan when Hob's Father brought on the wrath of a patrol of guards. In the event, several children's parents were killed, leaving them orphans. Ilgor, Hob, Yvet, having been brought up predominately by her. She truly sees them as her children. Personally, she couldn't be happier with the direction her children are going, seeing them as her crowning achievement.

Mental Trauma

She never has gotten over the loss of her child. She has also never gotten over the inability to heal Misry. She worries that she won't be able to teach Ilgor everything she can possibly teach before she passes, while also embaressed that she had to give her staff to Illy, as she was too sick to go to the tree to make one with her. She also lements her loss of Folt so early in her life, never having felt the same connetion to another since.

Morality & Philosophy

The issue of her having never been a raider also lost her a significant item that many would treasure. The blade given to the young goblins after having completed their challenge, was never an honor she received. Thus she has a certain penchant for making each and every child who receives one, feel much more important as she has added her own piece to the end of the ceremony. Blessing the child with an invocation of Bhal to keep their blades sharper. Much to Yorm's annoyance, she tends to hijack all of his ceremonial events as well.
She actively contradicts the Chief when he oversteps his authority where Misry would never have. She has a much more extreme view on what the clan would consider profane in the act of insulting one another. Not allowing anyone that, even in levity, even more so in the Chief himself. Stating that she will be the shield from the Father should she need to be. No hand will be raised against them, seeing the act of an insult to be the weakness of those without faith. The strength of Bhal is in all of them, to degrade another of the family is to degrade their Great Father.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Season of Harvest, D 34
1163 1231
Deep Purple
Long pale grey hair with fading brown near the roots. Like all goblins she wears a long braid.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greyish green, slightly ashy skin.
Cult of Bhal
Known Languages
She has a diverse understanding of Elder Fae, due to their holy books being written in the extinct language. This has led her to be able to understand many of the Continental Languages. Elder Fae being a common root for Common, Calphiti, Namoux, and The Dwarven Variant of Gnomish. While not fluent in anything except the goblin tongue and Elder Fae, she can still understand it when spoken.
Staff of Kari
Item | Apr 4, 2024

Invaluable, if only to one person.

Articles under Mother Kari, High Priestess of the Skullbrood Clan


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