The Evercool

The groan of the tavern was deafening as the barkeep announced he was out of ice once again. Telling the patrons that he would have more in the next few days as his new shipment would be coming in. Though this did little to console the disgruntled booze-addled crowd, they'd still continue to order more, and enjoy the fruity machinations of the eccentric bartender and his heavily tattooed bronze skin.
"Ah, this place can never keep a cool bottle. The second they have more ice, it's gone." The dockhand grumbled to no one in particular. Though a Zybtine Merchant swaggered his way through the throng to sit next to the unkempt man.
Still bemoaning his warm whiskey, swirling it slowly in the unwashed glass. The merchant overheard his self gratifying criticism of the bar and its operation. "You know" He said, grabbing the dock hand's attention. "There are mountains far to the south of here, even farther than the Lamia Outpost, the Spine of the Desert."
"Say what you want, and be done with it." The man said in a foul mood.
"Ah but you see, this might pique your interest. A monastery where the monks of Koroth distill away in the shade away from the heat. Bottles that never grow warm, drink that always slick the tongue, a refreshing delight at the end of each day." His thick desert accent slurring his words.
"And let me guess, you want to sell me this godsend at a modest price." It wasn't a question, more of a dismissive assumption based on the Zybtine Merchants penchant for exaggerating even the most mundane. Given the chance they could tell you an epic tale of the fires born on the eastern seas to ignite the darkest night, only to realize mid story they were speaking about the sunrise they had seen that morning.
"Oh no." The Merchant said, as he traced a rune on the glass the dockhand was holding, the spirit inside instantly turning cold to the man's touch. "Merely to let you know there are options. Enjoy your drink, Friend. May Bhal's ambitions lead you to glory." He added as he got up and blended into the bar room without a trace.


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