The Sorcerer

As seen in


The Sorcerer is a Traveling teacher widely known throughout the Great Tree. Appearing in many other myths and legends under different names and titles, though always sharing a few common characteristics. The Sorcerer is what he is known as inside the Kingdom Of Galus, in the Ilse of Mhuzelt he is Known as the Ninth watcher. In Huron he is known as the Scholar of the First Sage. In the Bhthic Desert Region he is known as Mumit.
Though he shares names and titles, a few things remain the same. He is able to answer any question no matter what subject with a profound knowledge. He never explains who or what he is. Always wears a silver mask that hides wicked and grotesque teeth. His mask being covered in archaic and arcane rune structures.
He generally appears before a great change in the world. Appearing before the court of the federation in the beginning of the first Fedro-Calphati War. Appearing before the King Of Galus before he conquered most of the the South Western quadrant of the map. Appearing before the Mhuzulti Denizens during their conquest of the Northern Wastes. Teaching the Dwarven Kings before they built Mhzuchet in the north, home to the Dwarven Throne. So what does it mean for him to appear before Ilgor of the Skullbrood Clan and only her?
Though unconfirmed, highly speculated by all branches of The Eight Divines. He is suspected to be related to Xelex, fore he appears during some imbalance in the world. Whether it be political, spiritual, or cultural, he is not seen or heard from after some event has begun in the wake of his presence.


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