Mirror monster Species in The Great Unity | World Anvil
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Mirror monster

She looked into the mirror, using both her small mirror to add the final touches of her makeup, and looked to the larger wall sized mirror for her outfit. As she admired herself, she remembered an old trick she used to do as a child, and held her small mirror up in front of her, facing it towards the larger mirror. The long tunnel of reflection was just as she remembered, mesmerizing. As her gaze lingered, she enjoyed how her fingertips moved all along the endless tunnel... but what was that? There is something far down in the tunnel, moving, crawling. It is getting closer, how can it be getting closer? It's large, it's body covered in shards, and it's red eyes are somehow fixated on her. It is right there, moving as a spider that scurries towards it's pray, and before she has time to throw the mirror and end the nightmare... it grabs her. Her screams are barely heard before a large crash sounds from the noblewoman's room, and when the servants entered, there was nothing but a smashed makeup mirror on the floor.   The Mirror Monster is yet another of this world's many horrors caused by magic. The creature is large, with claws the size of swords, fangs as sharp as daggers, and strength to rival a battering ram. The Mirror Monster spends most of it's lifetime in one or more Planes Of Reflection, here it will wait for a creature to move close enough to the mirror or reflective surface connected to the plane, and when it deems the time is right, it will go for the kill.   If one encounters a Mirror Monster, they will most likely be attacked instantly, an arm or perhaps the entire upper body of the creature will lounge out of the mirror, attempting to catch and drag it's victim into it's own plane. Should this initial attack prove unsuccessful, the monster might emerge entirely from the mirror, and attempt to kill it's target in the Material Plane.   In the Material Plane, the Mirror Monster is a deadly threat even to skilled veterans, but if the monster pulls the victim into a Plane Of Reflection, survival is almost unheard of. In the Plane Of Reflection, the monster has all the advantages, it can see the victim from every angle while the victim is confused by the sight of such a plane, leaving it vulnerable.   The Mirror Monster is not as rare as many think it is, some even call it a myth, the only reason for this is that very few ever survive the encounter.

Basic Information


The Mirror Monster's whole body is made up of material that is highly reflective and somewhat translucent. This material is smooth to the touch, but the creature has multiple jagged edges and points all around it's body, turning the otherwise fairly beautiful material into deadly spikes.   The body is humanoid in shape, consisting of two legs, two arms, a single torso and a head, however there are major differences in the body structure. It's limbs are abnormally long and slender compared to the rest of it's body, with the hands and feet being quite large. The torso is crooked, making it appear as if it has a hunched back. The head of the creature is large, and it's mouth has large jagged tips inside in what appears to be a random pattern, resembling teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Mirror Monsters do not posses any sort of sex, and it does not appear to reproduce. Mirror Monsters seemingly form on their own, presumably from some sort of magical energy. Due to them forming in a Plane Of Reflection, they seem to manifest from one of the surfaces, with no interaction needed from any other creature.

Growth Rate & Stages

Mirror Monsters seemingly form as adults, never changing or growing naturally. The only real permanent change a Mirror Monster will ever display is scars, where presumably a victim tried to fight off the monster.

Ecology and Habitats

The Mirror Monster seemingly only needs one thing to survive, and that is access to a Plane Of Reflection. Mirror Monsters have never been seen eating or sleeping, and it's lack of lungs or similar organs indicate it does not need to breathe either.   The only thing that has been confirmed to be harmful to a Mirror Monster, is cutting it off from all Planes Of Reflection. A Mirror Monster can fairly easily move in and out of the plane in order to attack, but if it is left in the Material Plane for too long, it starts to deteriorate and die.   Scholars often wonder what motivates a creature to do things that negatively affects it's own survival, and the Mirror Monster is yet another example of such a creature. A Plane Of Reflection is fairly safe for Mirror Monsters, as there seems to be very little activity in those planes. Why would a creature leave a safe space, if not for food? The only conclusion so far is that the Mirror Monster is born with a desire to kill, and therefore is willing to risk it's own safety to fulfill is desire to kill any creature it can.   So despite there being no need to seek confrontation, the Mirror Monster still does, and so it's preferred habitat seems to be places with many clear reflective surfaces, where living creatures pass through.   If the Mirror Monster sees a decrease in victims, it might decide to move to a new plane, a difficult task for the monster. Since the Mirror Monster can only leave it's plane for a short amount of time, it will have to locate a new plane, in other words a new mirror or reflective surface that is not already connected to it's home plane. Mirror Monsters have been known to "stow away" in small Planes Of Reflection, perhaps a well polished blade, or a clean and reflective ring. Traveling in these small planes seems to be uncomfortable for the Mirror Monster, it is generally very careful with making such trips.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

For most people, thinking of a use for such a creature is impossible, but for the truly deranged, or creatures with the power and reason to bind Mirror Monsters, they do have a niche use. Mirror Monsters can be used as a type of guard, so long as you manage to lure it into a closed space with mirrors or similar reflective surfaces. Once the Mirror Monster is in the desired Plane Of Reflection, it must be cut off from it's previous plane, this is done by making sure that the mirror the creature is currently in, is only pointed at mirrors you want the Mirror Monster to have access to.   Once the Mirror Monster has been trapped in these chosen mirrors, it's Plane Of Reflection is somewhat permanent, as it will only be able to escape if someone set up a line of mirrors letting it free.   If a Mirror Monster is encased in such a plane, then being immortal, it will essentially never leave or die, making it a permanent guard which will attack on sight.

Average Intelligence

The Mirror Monster has never been seen using tools or effectively communicate with other creatures, not even other Mirror Monsters. The Mirror Monster also displays no deeper tactical knowledge, or ability to learn, leading many scholars to believe it is of animal like intelligence, and even that is most likely in the lower end.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

On first glance the creature appears to have all the same sensory organs and capabilities of most humanoids, however appearances can be deceptive. The Mirror Monster's perception and sensory abilities are listed below.  


The Mirror Monster appears to have eyes, and uses them as such, but upon closer inspection the "eyes" are simply another version of the same material that makes up the rest of the body. In each eye socket, the Mirror Monster has small glowing purple or pink crystals, these crystals look much like gemstones. When observing these creatures, they appear to use these crystals as most other creatures use eyes. Whether these crystals grant them any sight beyond what is considered normal is unknown, as they have not displayed any extraordinary feats with sight so far. It is theorized that these crystals must be better at perceiving reflections considering the Mirror Monster's natural habitat. Many people agree with this theory, but so far it has not been proven.  


When looking at the head of the Mirror Monster, one would assume it has a sense of smell, due to what appears to be a nose. In reality, the Mirror Monster has no sense of smell, instead using it's "nose" for the same purpose as it's "ears". Both of these sensory organs appear to pick up vibrations around the Mirror Monster, making it capable of sensing very small movenments and vibrations in it's surrounding area. This ability to sense it's surroundings seems to be based on what type of material the vibrations is traveling through, where the Mirror Monster more easily picks up vibrations from very reflective materials and surfaces.   For normal materials the tremorsense seems limited to a fairly small radius, but for reflective surfaces the mirror monster seems capable of detecting vibrations no matter the distance.
Scientific Name
Molmatur Mirra
Average Height
7-10 ft. tall
Average Weight
225-565 lbs.
Average Physique
While no two Mirror Monsters look identical, there is some general characteristics that are true for the species as a whole.
  • Crooked spine. The Mirror Monster almost always appears to have a crooked spine, walking hunched over and leaning to one side.
  • Long limbs. The Mirror Monster has fairly long limbs, it's arms nearly dragging along the floor as it walks, and it's legs are just as long.
  • Wide frame. The Mirror Monster is typically quite wide at the shoulders, this is possibly due to it's preference for walking on all fours.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Mirror Monster can vary slightly in body tint, as well as it's eye color. For the body it can be almost see-through, as well as being varying shades of light blue, purple and pink. For the eyes, the Mirror Monster can have either red, purple or pink eyes, all glowing.


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