Dwarves Species in The Greenwold | World Anvil
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Few dwarves live in the Greenwold itself, preferring to make their homes in the imposing mountain ranges of the Highland Reaches further north. Nevertheless, it’s not an uncommon sight to pass a dwarven merchant or stonemason on a busy city street.   Nearly all dwarves that live in the Greenwold trace their ancestry back to the city of Stonefast, where humans and dwarves have intermingled since the city’s founding. These dwarves might have lived their entire lives in the mountain city, delving the unending mine tunnels that stretch far beneath its streets, or working as an accomplished smith or mason in a city renowned for its excellent craftsmanship.  

Stonefast Dwarf

You’ve spent your life in and around the mighty city of Stonefast, mingling with humans and other races. You tend to be more jovial than others of your kin, and familiarity with the wider world gives you a leg up on them when dealing with other humanoids. Stonefast dwarves tend to be outspoken and confident - firm in their proclamations. They make natural leaders, ambassadors, merchants, and explorers. Stonefast dwarves tend to prefer the company of other humanoids over the taciturn gruffness of their more reclusive mountain cousins.   Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.   Extra Language. You can speak, read and write one extra language of your choice.   Sporting. You have advantage on Persuasion checks in situations where you can interest someone in a fair wager, prediction, or challenge (at the GM’s discretion).


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