Slew Settlement in The Greenwold | World Anvil
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This great city on the edge of the swamp brings together merchants and peoples of all stripes, for better or worse. No city in the realm matches Slew for culture, food and music - and none matches it for greed or corruption.   Smell overwhelms all other senses as you step from the rocking gondola onto the city streets. .   The sound of community bands on street corners, the slap of boat paddles, and the incessant chorus of swamp life drifts across the open waterways.   A barge rocks underfoot as you step off. A masked reveler invites you to join a riotous street festival. Sweltering humidity and watchful eyes makes the sweat drip down the back of your neck.   Ostentatious wealth and abject poverty, outpouring hospitality and stultifying corruption, bog stench and perfume - Slew is a city of opposite extremes, and one of the liveliest locations in the Greenwold.   Built in the largest harbor in the Greenwold, Slew is a literal floating city - its numerous neighborhoods and wards divided by canals, kept above water level by omnipresent magic runestone.   The sprawling port city sits at the conflux where the mighty Green River turns brackish, as it mingles with the Starless Mire at the edge of the Great Sea. A hub for refugees, exotic travelers, traders, and adventurers, Slew is the busiest trade destination in the Greenwold.   Known as “The Fragrant City” by some, even the crisp, salty air of the ocean cannot overcome the wafting winds from the Starless Mire that blow north year-round. Port fees and commerce taxes keep the wealthy oligarchs in power, an unofficial group referred to as the “Merchant Princes of Slew,” while poorer communities struggle to survive. Mystics from the lush swamps surrounding the low riverlands congregate in town, fueling the talismonger trade. The variety of cultures here create a varied blend of art and music - troubadours from all corners of the globe can be found in many of the drinking halls and dining tents of the city, and revelry is always the order of the day.


Alias "The Fragrant City"
Region Starless Mire
Western Greenwold

Demonym NA
Races Humans 20%
Dwaves 18%
Elves 14%
Halflings 15%
Gnomes 17%
Others 16%
Large city

Recent Developments

  Recently, a string of organized crime has gripped the city, with hijackings of merchant ships and several murders of prominent wealthy leaders. Rumors of an assassins guild circulate amongst the town. While the swamp-dwelling druids point a blaming finger at the corruption of the merchant lords, the governing council blame the magical underhandedness of the witches.   Bounty hunters have flocked here in recent months, following the rumor of a deposed noble from the distant Elven lands hiding in the city under a new identity. The prince’s younger sister is now queen, and offers a fortune for her sibling’s forced return.
Slew is a true melting pot of all walks of life...


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