Copper Half-Dragons
Below is provided information on the copper dragon's personality, but it is up to you how much of it you wish to show through in your character.
Copper Dragon
Copper dragons are incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers that live in hills and rocky uplands. Despite, their gregarious and even-tempered natures, they possess a covetous, miserly streak, and can become dangerous when their hoards are threatened.Good Hosts
A copper dragon appreciates wit, a good joke, humorous story, or riddle. A copper dragon becomes annoyed with any creature that doesn't laugh at its jokes or accept its tricks with good humor. Copper dragons are particularly fond of bards. A dragon might carve out part of its lair as a temporary abode for a bard willing to regale it with stories, riddles and music. To a copper dragon, such companionship is a treasure to be coveted.Cautious and Crafty
When building its hoard, a copper dragon prefers treasures from the earth. Metals and precious stones are favorites of these creatures. A copper dragon is wary when it comes to showing off its possessions. If it knows that other creatures seek a specific item in its hoard, a copper dragon will not admit to possessing the item. Instead, it might send curious treasure hunters on a wild goose chase to search for the object while it watches from afar for its own pleasure.
Genetic Ancestor(s)