Lotharian Ethnicity in The Ground | World Anvil
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Shared customary codes and values

Justice and Equality

Lotharians are committed to justice and equality for all, valuing fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law. They believe in holding individuals and institutions accountable for their actions and ensuring that everyone has equal rights and opportunities.

Honor and Integrity

Lotharians uphold a strict code of honor and integrity, valuing honesty, loyalty, and moral uprightness in all aspects of life. They believe in doing what is right, even when faced with difficult choices or challenges.

Community Solidarity

Lotharians prioritize the well-being of the community as a whole, fostering a strong sense of solidarity and mutual support among its members. They believe in coming together in times of need, helping each other overcome obstacles, and celebrating shared successes.

Adaptability and Resilience

Living in a land shrouded in perpetual night has taught Lotharians the importance of adaptability and resilience. They embrace change with fortitude, adjusting to new circumstances with grace and determination, and persevering in the face of adversity.

Common Etiquette rules

Gratitude and Appreciation

Expressing gratitude and appreciation is considered essential in Lotharian etiquette. Whether it's thanking someone for a kindness, acknowledging their contributions, or expressing admiration for their talents, Lotharians are generous with their praise and gratitude.

Community Involvement

Participation in community events and activities is considered an important aspect of Lotharian etiquette. Whether it's volunteering for charity initiatives, attending religious ceremonies, or supporting local businesses, Lotharians prioritize involvement in their community.

Respect for Personal Space

Lotharians respect personal boundaries and space, demonstrating consideration for others' privacy and autonomy.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Honor Duels

In certain contexts, honor duels may be held to resolve disputes or defend one's reputation in Lotharian society. These duels, governed by strict rules and protocols, are seen as a means of upholding personal honor and integrity within the community.

Remembrance Day

In the rugged terrain of Lothaire, where rocky cliffs rise defiantly against the tumultuous sea and caverns wind their way through the heart of the earth, lies a solemn testament to the resilience of the human spirit: the site of an orphanage that became a symbol of sacrifice and tragedy. Each year, on Remembrance Day, the people of Lothaire gather amidst the rugged landscape to pay tribute to the fallen and to honor the legacy of Tobarus, the god of Justice and Protection.

As the day begins, the community converges upon the cliffside overlook that offers a panoramic view of the tumultuous sea below. Here, amid the rugged beauty of the natural landscape, they gather to light candles and lanterns, their flickering flames casting an ethereal glow against the darkened sky. In the solemn silence that follows, the community pauses to remember the lives lost and the sacrifices made in the name of justice and protection. Amidst the echoes of crashing waves and howling winds, they offer prayers and reflections for the souls of the departed, their words carried away on the sea breeze.

But Remembrance Day is not solely a time for mourning; it is also a time for action and solidarity. Inspired by the spirit of resilience that defines their community, the people of Lothaire engage in acts of charity and kindness, reaching out to support orphanages and programs that aid vulnerable children. Through these acts of compassion, they ensure that the memory of the orphanage's inhabitants lives on, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

Community Work Days

Community work days are a cherished tradition in Lothaire, where residents come together to volunteer their time and effort for the betterment of their community. Held regularly throughout the year, these days are dedicated to various projects aimed at improving public spaces, maintaining infrastructure, and supporting those in need. From repairing roads and bridges to beautifying parks and gardens, each community work day is a collective effort fueled by camaraderie and a shared sense of purpose. Neighbors of all ages and backgrounds join forces, rolling up their sleeves and working side by side to accomplish tasks that benefit the entire community. These work days not only yield tangible improvements to the local environment but also foster a spirit of unity and cooperation among Lotharians, strengthening the bonds that bind them together as a resilient and interconnected community.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Blessing of Protection

A blessing of protection is performed to safeguard the newborn from harm and evil spirits. Protective charms or amulets may be placed around the child's crib or worn as jewelry to ward off negative energies and ensure their safety as they grow.

Ten Days of Seclusion

Following the Blessing of Protection for the newborn, Lotharian families observe a sacred tradition of seclusion within their homes for a period of ten days. During this time, the family refrains from leaving the house or inviting anyone in, creating a sanctuary of safety and tranquility for the newest member of the family. This period of seclusion is seen as a time of bonding and intimacy, allowing the parents and immediate family members to focus their attention solely on the care and nurturing of the newborn. However, this tradition is not merely about familial bonding; it serves as a vital safeguard against the lurking threat of vampires, who covet the tantalizing essence of newborn blood. After the ten days have passed, the family emerges from their seclusion, ready to reintegrate into the community with renewed strength and purpose, and to proudly present their cherished addition to the world.

Coming of Age Rites

Wisdom Teachings

Elders and mentors impart traditional knowledge, cultural lore, and practical skills to young Lotharians during their coming of age rites. These teachings cover a wide range of subjects, including survival skills, craftsmanship, spirituality, and community leadership, preparing them for the responsibilities of adulthood.

Community Service

As part of their coming of age rites, young Lotharians engage in community service projects to demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their community. Through acts of service and contribution, they earn the respect of their peers and elders while fostering a sense of connection and responsibility to their community.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Swift Cremation

In Lothaire, the passing of a loved one is met with swift and decisive action to prevent the return of shadows. The body is swiftly cremated, ensuring that there is no opportunity for the deceased to return as a vampire. This tradition reflects the deep-rooted fear and vigilance of Lotharian society against the ever-present threat of the undead. As flames consume the mortal remains, prayers and incantations are offered to ensure the eternal rest of the departed's soul and safeguard against the darkness that lurks beyond the veil.

Candlelight Vigil

Following the cremation ceremony, the Lotharian community gathers for a candlelight vigil to honor the memory of the departed and seek solace in each other's presence. Against the backdrop of the darkened landscape, candles are lit to illuminate the path of remembrance and dispel the shadows that linger in the night. Participants hold their candles aloft, their flickering flames serving as beacons of hope and resilience in the face of loss. Prayers are whispered, songs are sung, and stories are shared, as the community comes together to celebrate the life that was lived and to find strength in unity against the encroaching darkness.


Marriage Customs

Exchange of Vows and Rings

The bride and groom exchange vows, pledging their love, loyalty, and devotion to each other in the presence of their families and community. These vows are deeply personal and may be written by the couple themselves or recited from traditional texts. The exchange of rings is a symbolic gesture of the couple's commitment to each other.

Unity Ceremony

After exchanging vows, the couple proceeds to the unity candle, where they each take a lit candle and together light a larger candle, symbolizing the unity of their hearts, minds, and spirits. This act of lighting the unity candle represents the joining of their lives and the creation of a new, shared path forward.

Community Blessing

The marriage ceremony concludes with a community blessing, where family members, friends, and guests offer their blessings and well-wishes to the newlyweds. Prayers are offered for happiness, prosperity, and longevity, and the couple receives the collective support and affirmation of their loved ones as they embark on their journey together.

Feast and Celebration

Following the marriage ceremony, a feast and celebration are held to honor the newlyweds and celebrate their union. Family and friends come together to share food, music, and dancing, creating joyful memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Common Taboos

Deception and Dishonesty

In Lotharian culture, deception and dishonesty are considered grave transgressions against the sacred virtue of honesty. To betray trust through falsehoods or deceit is to undermine the very fabric of trust and integrity that binds the community together. Those who engage in deceitful practices risk not only their own reputation and honor but also the trust and cohesion of the community as a whole.

Justice and Fairness

In the realm of Lotharian society, treating others unjustly is a taboo that strikes at the heart of the community's values of fairness and equity. Lotharians believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, and they strive to uphold principles of justice and fairness in all aspects of life. Acts of oppression, discrimination, or exploitation are viewed with disdain and condemnation, as they represent a betrayal of the moral imperative to treat others with compassion, respect, and fairness.

Breaking Sacred Oaths

Lotharians place great value on honor, integrity, and keeping one's word. Breaking sacred oaths or betraying trust, especially in matters of loyalty and allegiance, is considered deeply dishonorable and taboo.


Beauty Ideals

Rosy Cheeks

In the perpetual night of Lothaire, women are celebrated for the rosy hue that adorns their cheeks, a stark contrast to the pallor of the vampire threat that has loomed over the land for millennia. This touch of warmth and vitality serves as a beacon of life in the darkness, a reminder of their humanity and the vibrant pulse of life that courses through their veins.

Rugged Handsomeness

In the rugged terrain of Lothaire, men are revered for their rugged handsomeness, forged by the harsh elements of the perpetual night. Their features bear the weathered lines of experience, carved by the challenges they've faced and the battles they've won. With strong jawlines, chiseled features, and piercing gazes that mirror the untamed wilderness, these men exude a primal magnetism that commands respect and admiration.

Lean, Lithe Figures

In the shadowed realm of Lothaire, beauty is epitomized by lean, lithe figures that move with effortless grace through the perpetual night. Both men and women are admired for their slender physiques, sculpted by the rugged landscape and the rigors of life in a land shrouded in darkness. Lotharians prize agility and nimbleness, viewing a lean and lithe frame as a reflection of inner strength and resilience.

Gender Ideals

Equality and Respect

Lotharian society values equality and respect between genders, recognizing the worth and contributions of individuals regardless of gender identity. Men and women engage in a variety of activities and occupations based on their talents and preferences rather than societal expectations.

Courtship Ideals

For The Wealthy


Courtship for the wealthy in Lothaire often begins with the involvement of families in arranging marriages. Parents play a significant role in selecting suitable partners for their children, taking into account factors such as social status, family reputation, and compatibility of values.


Wealthy Lotharians host lavish parties to introduce eligible bachelors from around the world to their daughters. These events serve as opportunities for potential suitors to impress the family and the bride.


Interested men must demonstrate their suitability and worthiness to the family and the bride through acts of charm, wit, and accomplishment.


The father ultimately selects one of the suitors to marry his daughter, based on factors such as social standing, compatibility, and personal preference.


Wealthy male Lotharians become eligible to attend these parties upon coming of age, allowing them to participate in the courtship process and vie for the hand of a wealthy bride.


for the poor

Simplicity and Authenticity

Courtship among poor Lotharians prioritizes authenticity and sincerity over grand gestures or material wealth. Expressions of affection and devotion may be conveyed through heartfelt words, gestures, and acts of kindness rather than lavish gifts or extravagant displays.[/p  

Community Involvement

Courtship involves active participation in the local community, as couples engage in volunteer work, charity initiatives, or mutual aid efforts to support those in need. This shared commitment to community service can strengthen the bond between partners and foster a sense of belonging.

Creativity and Resourcefulness

Despite limited financial resources, couples find inventive ways to celebrate special occasions, express their love, and create meaningful memories, relying on creativity and resourcefulness to make the most of what they have.

Relationship Ideals

Mutual Respect

In Lotharian relationships, mutual respect forms the foundation upon which trust and understanding are built. Partners value each other's opinions, boundaries, and autonomy, treating each other with dignity and consideration. Both partners are seen as equal participants, working together to support and uplift each other in their personal and shared endeavors.

Open Communication

Lotharians prioritize open and honest communication in their relationships, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns with each other freely and without judgment. Effective communication fosters intimacy, strengthens emotional bonds, and resolves conflicts constructively.

Partnership and Collaboration

Lotharian relationships are viewed as partnerships, with both individuals actively contributing to the relationship's growth and well-being. Couples work together to overcome challenges, achieve shared goals, and support each other's dreams and aspirations.

Emotional Support and Empathy

Couples provide each other with emotional and practical support, navigating life's challenges together with empathy, patience, and mutual understanding. They cultivate a safe and nurturing environment where vulnerability is embraced and emotions are validated.

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