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The Church of Lothaire

Tenets of Faith

Purity and Virtue

The Church of Lothaire emphasizes the importance of purity and virtue in thought, word, and deed. Followers are encouraged to live virtuous lives, free from sin and moral corruption, in order to maintain spiritual purity and righteousness.

Compassion and Charity

Followers are called to embody compassion and charity, caring for the less fortunate and extending kindness and support to those in need.

Justice and Equity

The Church upholds principles of justice and equity, advocating for fairness, equality, and the protection of human rights for all members of society.

Community and Fellowship

Believers are encouraged to foster a sense of community and fellowship, supporting one another in times of joy and sorrow and working together for the common good.



Followers are called to embody virtuous qualities such as honesty, integrity, humility, and self-discipline in all aspects of life. Upholding these virtues is seen as essential to maintaining spiritual purity and righteousness.


The Church advocates for principles of justice and equity, emphasizing the importance of fairness, equality, and the protection of human rights for all members of society. Followers are encouraged to stand up against injustice and oppression, and to work towards creating a more just and equitable world.


Believers are taught to recognize their responsibilities towards themselves, their families, their communities, and the wider world. This includes fulfilling one's duties and obligations, caring for the well-being of others, and stewardship of the natural environment.


The Church places a high value on integrity and moral uprightness, condemning deceit, dishonesty, and corruption in all its forms. Followers are called to be truthful and trustworthy in their words and actions, upholding the principles of honesty and transparency.

Community and Solidarity

The Church emphasizes the importance of community and solidarity, calling upon believers to support and uplift one another in times of need. This includes caring for the vulnerable, standing up for the marginalized, and working together to address social issues and challenges.


Regular Attendance at Religious Services

Followers of The Church of Lothaire are expected to attend regular religious services, held at local temples or churches, where they gather to pray, sing hymns, and listen to sermons delivered by priests. These services provide opportunities for communal worship and spiritual reflection, reinforcing the teachings and values of the church.

Personal Devotions and Prayer

Followers of The Church of Lothaire engage in personal devotions and prayer as a means of connecting with the divine on an individual level. They may set aside time each day for private prayer and meditation, seeking spiritual guidance, solace, and strength in their daily lives.

Acts of Charity and Service

Worship in The Church of Lothaire extends beyond rituals and ceremonies to encompass acts of charity and service to others. Followers are encouraged to demonstrate their faith through compassionate action, caring for the less fortunate, and supporting their community in times of need.


In addition to their spiritual duties, priests and holy guards of The Church of Lothaire embark on missions to safeguard the community from the looming threat of the undead. These courageous endeavors serve to protect the populace and uphold the values of righteousness and justice espoused by the Church. While priests within the Church may have the option to marry multiple partners, many choose to abstain.

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