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Mungo Brandywood

Mungo Brandywood (a.k.a. Loras)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shirelands Upbringing

Mungo was born and raised in the peaceful and idyllic Shirelands, where hobbits led simple lives surrounded by nature and community. His family, known for their love of festivities, often hosted joyful gatherings in their hobbit hole.

Inspiration from Meda's Festival

The annual wizarding festival held in the Shirelands' capital captured Mungo's imagination from a young age. Witnessing the grand displays of illusion magic and fireworks fueled his desire to learn wizardry and host similar celebrations.

Yearning for Magic

Growing up without innate magical abilities, Mungo felt a yearning for the enchantment he witnessed during the festival. Hearing tales from the wizards at Meda fueled his aspirations, and he dreamt of one day creating his own magical spectacles.

Decision to Attend Meda

Fueled by his dreams and curiosity about the wider world, Mungo made the bold decision to leave the Shirelands and enroll at Meda, the renowned wizarding academy. This marked a significant departure from the simplicity of his hobbit life.

Quirky Instructor and Wizarding Friends

At Meda, Mungo found a mentor in a wide and quirky instructor who guided him through the complexities of wizardry. He also formed close bonds with fellow students, who became both friends and mentors, helping him adapt to the challenges of magical education.

Cultural Adaptation and Name Change

In his efforts to adapt to the broader world, Mungo adopted the name Loras. This change symbolized his commitment to embracing new cultures and identities, reflecting the transformative nature of his journey.

Aspirations and Adventures

Mungo's aspirations evolved as he delved deeper into the world of illusion magic. His goal expanded beyond personal celebrations to a broader mission of spreading joy, unity, and enchantment throughout the magical realms.


Mungo is straight.

Failures & Embarrassments

Illusion Mishaps

In his early attempts at mastering illusion magic, Mungo might have faced embarrassing moments when illusions didn't go as planned, causing unintended consequences or revealing his novice status.

Academic Struggles

Despite his determination, Mungo might have encountered challenges in certain magical subjects, perhaps facing academic setbacks or struggling to grasp advanced concepts, creating moments of self-doubt.

Mental Trauma

Imposter Syndrome

Mungo might struggle with feelings of inadequacy or the fear of being exposed as a fraud, especially if he compares himself to more experienced wizards at Meda or believes he doesn't truly belong in the magical world.

Cultural Identity Crisis

The effort to adapt to a new culture and identity might lead to a crisis of self, causing Mungo to question his hobbit roots and struggle with feelings of displacement or a sense of not truly belonging anywhere.

Intellectual Characteristics

Inquisitive Mind

Mungo's curiosity extends beyond magical studies to a general inquisitiveness about the world. He constantly seeks knowledge, asking questions, and exploring the mysteries of magic and beyond.

Creative Imagination

As an illusionist, Mungo excels in creative thinking and imagining possibilities. His mind is a playground for innovative magical ideas, allowing him to craft unique illusions and contribute to magical research.


His experiences at Meda and beyond have cultivated an adaptable intellect. Mungo can quickly learn and adjust to new magical concepts, cultures, and situations, showcasing mental flexibility.

Attention to Detail

In his pursuit of mastering illusion magic, Mungo pays meticulous attention to detail. This characteristic enhances the precision of his magical performances and contributes to his success as a skilled illusionist.

Eager Learner

Mungo approaches learning with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge. His love for learning extends beyond formal studies, encompassing a wide range of topics that pique his interest.

Morality & Philosophy

Joyful Benevolence

Rooted in his hobbit upbringing, Mungo believes in the power of spreading joy and happiness. He sees benevolence and kindness as essential virtues, striving to use his magic to bring positive experiences to others.

Unity and Inclusivity

Mungo values unity among magical beings and strives to create an inclusive environment. He believes in breaking down barriers between different magical communities, fostering cooperation, and celebrating diversity.

Ethical Use of Magic

Guided by a strong sense of ethics, Mungo is cautious about the consequences of magical actions. He believes in the responsible use of magic, avoiding spells that could cause harm or disrupt the natural balance.

Celebration of Life

His hobbit background instills in Mungo a deep appreciation for life's simple pleasures. He philosophizes that celebrating life and creating moments of joy through magic is a worthwhile pursuit in a world filled with challenges.

Learning and Adaptation

Mungo embraces a philosophy of continuous learning and adaptation. He sees each experience, whether positive or challenging, as an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to broaden his understanding of the magical world.

Nature and Harmony

Drawing from his hobbit roots and respect for nature, Mungo believes in maintaining harmony between magical practices and the natural world. He advocates for sustainable and eco-friendly magical practices.

Humility and Gratitude

Despite his magical prowess, Mungo remains humble and expresses gratitude for the opportunities and knowledge he gains. He attributes his success to the support of friends, mentors, and the magical community.

Individual Freedom

Mungo respects the individual freedoms of magical beings and believes in their right to pursue their own paths. He advocates for a world where individuals are free to express their magical abilities without undue restrictions.

Balance of Order and Chaos

Mungo recognizes the importance of balance between order and chaos in the magical world. While celebrating the wonders of magic, he understands the need for a harmonious balance that prevents chaos and ensures the well-being of all beings.


Harmful Use of Magic

Mungo strongly opposes the use of magic for harm or malicious intent. Spells that cause pain, suffering, or long-term damage to individuals or the environment would be considered taboo in his moral framework.

Unethical Experimentation

Mungo may find magical experimentation that involves unethical practices or harm to living beings to be taboo. This could include forbidden rituals, dangerous magical creations, or attempts to manipulate life in unnatural ways.

Imposing Magical Will on Others

Mungo values individual freedom and might find it taboo to use magic to forcefully control or manipulate the will of others. Spells that infringe upon personal autonomy or free will would go against his principles.


Given his emphasis on benevolence and celebrating life, Mungo finds the practice of necromancy, which involves manipulating and exploiting the dead, to be highly taboo and ethically unacceptable.

Magical Exploitation

Mungo frowns upon the exploitation of magical beings or creatures for personal gain. Any practice that involves using magic to subjugate or harm magical entities would be considered taboo.

Personality Characteristics


Joyful Celebration

Mungo is motivated by the desire to spread joy and celebration through his illusion magic. Creating magical moments of wonder and happiness for others fuels his passion and sense of purpose.

Continuous Learning

Mungo's motivation stems from a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. He is driven to expand his magical expertise, explore new realms, and uncover the mysteries of the magical world.

Personal Growth

Mungo is motivated by the desire for personal growth and self-improvement. Each new magical challenge and adventure presents an opportunity for him to evolve as a wizard and as an individual.

Building Lasting Friendships

Mungo values the friendships he has formed at Meda and beyond. His motivation includes nurturing these relationships, providing support to his friends, and creating a close-knit magical community.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Social Interaction

Mungo possesses social savvy, particularly in festive and celebratory settings. His hobbit upbringing, combined with his love for merriment, makes him adept at engaging with others and fostering a joyous atmosphere.



Combat Magic

While proficient in illusion magic, Mungo may lack expertise in combat-oriented spells. His focus on creating joyful experiences and enchanting displays might leave him less skilled in direct magical confrontations.

Navigating Political Intrigue

Mungo's sheltered upbringing in the Shirelands makes him somewhat inept at navigating complex political situations or dealing with intricate power dynamics that may exist in the magical world.


His inclination toward grand celebrations and enchanting displays make Mungo inept at subtlety. Operating discreetly or maintaining a low profile is not his strong suit.

Likes & Dislikes


Celebrations and Festivals

Mungo has a deep love for celebrations and festivals, especially those involving magical displays and illusions. He revels in the joyous atmosphere and the opportunity to showcase his magical talents.

Illusion Magic

Unsurprisingly, Mungo thoroughly enjoys illusion magic. The process of crafting illusions, creating magical spectacles, and experimenting with new techniques brings him immense satisfaction.

Cultural Exploration

He delights in exploring and experiencing the diverse cultures present in the world. Mungo has a genuine interest in learning about different traditions, rituals, and practices.

Learning and Knowledge

Mungo has a passion for learning and expanding his magical knowledge. He appreciates books, scrolls, and discussions that deepen his understanding of wizardry and other magical disciplines.

Joyful Company

Mungo values the company of friends and fellow wizards who share his love for joy and merriment. He enjoys socializing, sharing stories, and collaborating on magical projects with like-minded individuals.



Unnecessary Conflict

He dislikes unnecessary conflict and prefers resolving differences through diplomacy and understanding. Mungo finds aggression and confrontation contrary to his values of unity and inclusivity.


Given his love for celebration and magical exploration, Mungo dislikes monotony and boredom. He seeks excitement, new experiences, and opportunities to infuse magic into everyday life.

Virtues & Personality perks



Mungo embodies a virtue of benevolence, always seeking to bring joy and happiness to those around him. His actions are guided by a genuine desire to make the magical world a better and more joyful place.


Despite his sheltered upbringing, Mungo displays courage in his pursuit of magical knowledge, adaptation to new environments, and facing challenges. He approaches each adventure with determination and bravery.


Mungo's open-mindedness allows him to embrace different cultures, perspectives, and magical practices. He values diversity and inclusivity, fostering a harmonious environment among magical beings.


A virtue of curiosity drives Mungo's quest for knowledge. He approaches the magical world with an insatiable thirst for learning, constantly seeking to understand the mysteries that magic holds.


Mungo maintains an optimistic outlook even in the face of challenges. His positive attitude and belief in the goodness of others inspire those around him, contributing to a joyful and hopeful atmosphere.



Social Harmony

Mungo's social harmony perk makes him adept at fostering positive relationships and collaborations. He brings people together, creating a sense of camaraderie and unity among magical beings.

Vices & Personality flaws



Mungo's virtue of optimism can sometimes manifest as naivety. His trusting nature may lead him to overlook potential dangers or underestimate the motives of others, putting him in vulnerable situations.


His love for celebrations and joyous gatherings can sometimes lead to overindulgence in food, drink, and merriment. This vice may affect his judgment or physical well-being, especially in festive settings.

Reluctance to Confrontation

Mungo's aversion to conflict can be a vice when it hinders his ability to address important issues or confront individuals who may pose a threat. This reluctance might lead to delayed resolutions.

Idealistic Expectations

His virtue of benevolence may result in idealistic expectations of the world, making it challenging for Mungo to accept harsh realities or the darker aspects of the magical community.

Avoidance of Unpleasant Realities

Mungo's optimism can sometimes translate into avoiding or downplaying unpleasant realities. This vice might prevent him from fully addressing certain issues that require a more realistic perspective.



Limited Combat Skills

Mungo's focus on illusion magic and festive pursuits result in a lack of proficiency in combat spells or practical self-defense. This flaw makes him vulnerable in situations requiring direct confrontation.

Tendency to Overcommit

Mungo's eagerness to bring joy and celebration to others might lead to overcommitment. This flaw could result in exhaustion or neglect of personal well-being as he tirelessly strives to create magical experiences.

Difficulty Saying No

His desire to maintain positive relationships and harmony may make it difficult for Mungo to say no or set boundaries. This flaw might lead to being taken advantage of or spreading himself too thin.

Personality Quirks

Collecting Unusual Trinkets

Mungo has a quirky habit of collecting unusual and magical trinkets during his travels. His pockets are often filled with enchanted baubles and charms, each with a unique story.



Thoughtful Chin Stroking

When deep in thought or contemplating a magical problem, Mungo has a mannerism of stroking his chin. This contemplative gesture reflects his analytical approach to magical challenges.

Gentle Shoulder Pats

When offering encouragement or expressing camaraderie, Mungo has a mannerism of giving gentle shoulder pats. This gesture conveys warmth and support to his friends and fellow wizards.

Hobbies & Pets

Magical Experimentation

Mungo's primary hobby is experimenting with magic. He enjoys creating and refining new illusion spells, exploring magical theories, and pushing the boundaries of his wizardry skills.

Illusionary Storytelling

Mungo has a hobby of using illusions to tell enchanting and whimsical stories. He stages miniature illusionary plays or projections, bringing his tales to life for the entertainment of friends and fellow wizards.

Herbology and Potion Making

Inspired by his hobbit roots and his love of pipeweed, Mungo has a hobby of exploring herbology and potion making. He cultivates magical herbs in his spare time and crafts potions with various effects, often experimenting with unique combinations.

Magical Mixology

Mungo enjoys the art of magical mixology, creating enchanting beverages that enhance the magical experience. He hosts magical cocktail parties, showcasing his skill in blending flavors and magical effects.

Traveling to Magical Festivals

Mungo's love for celebrations extends to traveling to magical festivals across the realm.


Magical Flourishes in Speech

When excited or discussing magical concepts, Mungo tends to add magical flourishes to his speech. He might describe things as 'enchanted', 'spellbinding' or use other magical adjectives to convey his enthusiasm.

Date of Birth
Xorus, 2951
Year of Birth
2951 49 Years old
Current Residence
Other Affiliations

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