Sand Hare Species in The Ground | World Anvil
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Sand Hare

Basic Information


Wool. The sand hare's sand coloured wool gives them camouflage to protect them from predators. This wool also has a special lower layer that helps sand hares to regulate their temperature.

Large Ears. Their large ears both give them better hearing, so that it is harder for predators to sneak up on them, and a larger surface are to help them to dissipate heat. The sand hare's keen hearing abilities help them to find underground water sources to allow them to stay hydrated.

Strong Back Legs. The sand hare has powerful back legs, which help it to run and jump further. It also uses it's back legs to thump enemies.

Ecology and Habitats

Sand hares can be found in the desert. As well as their physical traits, sand hares can stay cool by burrowing under the sand; an ability they also use to stay out of danger. Sand hares also combine their powerful legs and sandy environment to kick sand in the eyes of predators.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sand hares naturally rely on grasses being available to eat. However, sand hares have been known to scavenge vegetables and grains that have been chucked out by humanoids and are therefore often considered a pest in settlements.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Sand hares are hunted for their meat and wool.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sand hares have keen hearing due to their large ears.

Genetic Ancestor(s)


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