Soporific Character in The Guild of Misfits & Majesty | World Anvil
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Soporific (/sɑːpəˈrɪf.ɪk/)

Written by Intern Heron on 09/30/1510 and kept up to date.

Samir ibn Kabir Al-Sahira (a.k.a. Sop, Spirofoci)

Being a Wizard of the School of Enchantment, Soporific is mastering the spells that are able to change memories. However, as nefarious as that might sound, he vows to use this magic to heal rather than hurt, as he understands the wicked attributes to this magic on a personal level. By joining The Guild of Misfits & Majesty, he is learning to weave the magic to help those with deep traumas.   Soporific is a Yuan-Ti who grew up in the region of Zakhara. As such, he had to learn the Faerûnian culture as well as its language, and to avoid those who felt threatened by who he is: A Yuan-Ti capable of manipulation and mind-tricking magic.   He joined the Guild in 1510, under the authority of Patron Cha-Ching. He is the first adventurer under this Patron.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although Soporific is related to snakes, he is not the most supple. He has an average size for a Yuan-Ti, though slightly underweight. He has managed to get some weight upon arriving at the Guild but he is still skinny.

Body Features

Being a Yuan-Ti, Soporific possesses patches of scales on his body. In his case, there are rather small. He also has different types of scars on his body. He mentioned that those scars either come from his childhood in Hiyal or during his travel to Faerûn where some people would be aggressive towards him for being a Yuan-Ti and an Enchantment wizard.

Facial Features

Soporific possesses slitted pupils, and a snake tongue, both coming from his Yuan-Ti heritage. He was also thought to have horns under his hair, but in reality, they were long scales. Soporific explained that it might come from the type of snake he is related to: a horned viper.

Physical quirks

Because of his bloodline, Soporific and his brothers, are bearing a physical feature: they all have magenta-colored irises. According to him, he had a strong sorceress as an ancestor bearing this attribute. All of her children later received the traits and so did their children.
It is fair to assume that if Soporific's words are true, then if he ever has any children, they would also have that distinction.   Soporific also has a strange pigmentation when it comes to his hair and scales. As reported by the wizard, the pinkish hue was because of a magical accident where he changed the material for a spell, hoping it would be more "cost effective". It resulted in a permanent coloration of his keratin in magenta.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Soporific seems to mostly identify as a male, but he does wear a lot of clothing that indicate a more androgynous look. In addition to this, Soporific also has a feminine alter ego named Spiro Foci.

Spiro Foci looks to be a very feminine representation of Soporific, as well as more confident. In this form, he is much akin to flirting and be closer to people. When asked about this behaviour, he explained that women have an assurance that he wished he could have, and this appearance helps with it.


Soporific is not exclusive to a specific sex or gender. However, ever since the event of the Hiyal mission, he seems to grow more attached to women with a strong personality or skills.


Soporific grew up in an hostile environment, in the city of Hiyal. He was considered a reject and therefore did not have access to the same level of education than most Yuan-Ti.

However, his mother managed to teach him what he needed in order to survive. This is also how Soporific first discovered his aptitude for magic.   Once he left Hiyal, he mostly learned by himself. He grasped the basic of survival skills, ameliorate his magical skills and learned Common when he arrived in Faerûn.


As part of the Guild of Misfits & Majesty, Soporific is an Adventurer. He joins in missions for the Guild, and his under the directory of Patron Cha-Ching.

Mental Trauma

When Soporific joined The Guild of Misfits & Majesty, he was amnesiac. He had only small fragments of memories of his past, and he was suffering from random triggering memories. It made it difficult for him to be reliable as he could see or hear things that were not there. In addition, he mentioned that he didn't dream or rather, he had cryptic dreams that remained the same and he could not make sense of what was happening in them.
One of the things that Soporific did remember at the time, was his mother. He mentioned that he would want to return to his homeland for her but, he was not certain about the idea. He was saying that he was not even sure if she was still alive, and even if she was, he had a bad feeling.   After the events of the Hiyal mission, Soporific lived a rush of memories as he managed to cure his amnesia. He remembered his past, his siblings and even his own name being Samir ibn Kabir Al-Badawi. Through the events of the mission, he also witnessed the death of his own mother, and had to deal with a legendary creature. These events left him in a state of self-reflection as it was rather sudden.   To this day, he changed his last name to Al-Sahira, to honorate his mother. He also seem to recover slowly and is willing to continue adventuring.

Personality Characteristics


The reason why Soporific joined the Guild of Misfits & Majesty was because he was looking for a resting place. If the Guild was willing to take him in, then he was also willing to give his time and help.

However, as time goes on, it seems that there is more to that. Soporific is looking for acceptance from people as he was rejected most of his life. His motivation to become an adventurer is to get recognition from his skills and his ideas rather than what he is.

Vices & Personality flaws

Soporific is a terrible cook. Being a Yuan-Ti does not help with it since he is immune to poisons. While he was travelling, Soporific mentioned that he used the spell Prestidigitation in order to change the taste of the "food" he was finding to make it more appealing to consume. He also mentioned that he was often falling sick because of it.

Personality Quirks

Soporific tends to collect trinkets and memos throughout his adventures. Anything is good as long as it brings a memory, wether it is a simple leaf on a tree to a piece of jewelry. He developped this habits as he is used to collect his own material components for his spells.


Family Ties

Soporific has an older brother and a little half-brother. He is brother to Amaal Al-Badawi, the current Sultan of the city of Hiyal. His half-brother, Batiss Al-Badawi does not have as much prestige, but he is staying with his older brother at the palace.


Soporific is polite when he is adressing to anyone, he talks in a respectful manner. He also becomes tactile with people he trusts, as he tends to touch their hands in a reassuring manner.

Hobbies & Pets

Soporific possesses 3 pets to this day:
  • Miss Pants (previously Sir Pants): A snake that he tamed during one of his missions. Soporific originally thought that the snake was a male.
  • Zucchi: A gourd leshy that he received as a reward. This particular one grew and act like a small dog.
  • Paprika: A small raptor that hatched from an egg, also received from a reward.


Asefeh Al-Sahira

Mother (Important)

Towards Soporific




Son (Vital)

Towards Asefeh Al-Sahira



Soporific, Wizard of the School of Enchantment    

In-Progress Article

  ❗ This article is currently being worked on. It is subject to changes and modifications.
School of Enchantment
Current Location
Date of Birth
Flamerule 16
Year of Birth
1485 DR 29 Years old
Long coily pink hair (formely dark brown)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan with pink scales (formerly sand colored)
1,75m (5'9'')
60kg (132 lb)
Known Languages

Character Portrait image: Soporific, Wizard of the School of Enchantment by Cha²


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Jan 3, 2024 20:05

I really like the detail gone into this character. The information is not overbearing and the drawing also helps imagine Soporific even more, good job :)

Jan 4, 2024 07:52

Thank you so much!