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Afacia City

Afacia City is the most stunning fortification in the lands of man. Gifted to the New World during Arkane's ascension, it is in many ways more glorious than the version that came before. The City is divided into sectors, the outer rings form peasants and refugees, people who tend to the land outside of the City walls, returning each evening to the comfort of the thick stone. Further in you would find the merchants, crying of their wares in the streets, or hidden away behind simple store fronts. The next ring forms the lesser nobles, soldiers and those that hold a coin, here would be your skilled smiths, your jewellers and your barracks.   Another heavy stone wall separates the true nobles from those that work for their coin, and as you climb the hill to the King's Keep, the richer the inhabitants become. Beyond this wall sits the largest Church of Arkane, beside its spires stands the largest statue in the world of the stern god.   This city's architecture is a melting pot of styles, from thatched and wooden houses, to slabs of marble, from red brick to cobbled together shack, Afacia City has it all.   Demographics   Afacia City has accepted people from most races as refugees when the travelling people fled the Wyldfire of the old world. The city will accept anyone that is willing to work to protect and preserve it. There is a disparity in wealth, the rich found towards the kings keep and the further away from this you get, the poorer the people.   Government   Afacia City is ruled by its Monarch, who is appointed by Arkane himself. The King is supported by the privy council, consisting of the Arch Mage and the One of the Heads of the Church of Arkane (The Church has three leaders, representing the Sword, the Shield and the Voice), and the Left and Right Hands of the King. The Council may be expanded, depending on the issue at hand, but the King's decision is final. Defences   This City is protected by sturdy physical walls made of stone, protecting the stones further are the blood soaked pray banners of Arkane, the blood of the God himself, wards the City from anything deemed anathema. Surrounding the perimeter of the City, are small ritual teeth that all connect to the most powerful ritual circles in the world. These teeth can be used by a mage with enough power in the central circles, to bring up a magical barrier, which is impenetrable. This takes a long time to cast and maintain.   The City also has a standing army, made up of soldiers owned by the Nobles who reside there. This is a mixture of Knights, scouts and mages which all answer to the Kings Order. Within the City it is expected that any residing behind the walls take up arms if the city were attacked and the walls breached. Infrastructure   On the edge of Afacia City is Port Maris, they biggest known port in this world. This port ships across the globe and ensures that even in time of siege the City may be able to sneak resources across the water. This City also houses the triple ritual circles, which sit above the Heart of Magic. It can be said that whoever controls the circles, would have the power to control the world due to the raw magical force available. Currently, the circles have been locked down by the Red Mages, under order of the Arch Mage, and any that wish to use the power face a lengthy signing off process.   The city's walls are covered with towering banners, each one declaring the power of Arkane, finished with his prayer. The ink is in fact, dried blood small flakes have fallen here and there.   Otherwise most things can be found in Afacia City, if you're willing to look hard enough.   History   The City has existed for a relatively short time in comparison to the rest of the New World. The City rose from the ground with the ascension of Arkane in 2AW. It was created from a memory of the old City found in the Heard of Lands, from which the travelling people fled in the Old World.   Before the Travelling People intervened, this was a small village nearby the grand City of Scholars.   After rising the City provided a home to the needy and King Issac immediately took the throne, and has ruled ever since.   In 3AW the City was invaded by the Army of Marakas, and the King imprisoned. The invading force came through the ritual circles, from another world and chained the ritual circle spirits, in order to use the circles freely. During this invasion the King was nearly executed, however he was rescued at the last minute by loyal men who had managed to trick the forces of Marakas, with a magical glamour. The Warriors of Wufra, surrounded their King and gifted him arms and armour and together they pushed out the army from the City centre. The Free people joined the attack and the City was saved.   The last Siege was at the hands of the Degan Armies, commanded by the Mist Queen. Their forces surrounded the City for an extended Siege, however again with the assistance of the Free People working from a hidden war camp this threat was repelled and the Mist King Arkan, King of the Degan was slain.


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