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In nearly all faiths Akarne is seen as the creator of the human race, even amongst humans who follow a different God. Most see him as one of the three Gods who first created the Heard-of-Lands, and thus a being transcendent and beyond even the world. To his creations, Akarne is often seen as a stern, unforgiving God, who is intolerant of failure in his children and prone to anger at their childish nature. However, the more moderate see him as a true father figure, strict but only because the world is a harsh place and his children need to be strong to survive it. 
  The overall attitude is that Akarne helps those who are willing to help themselves, and the overriding belief is that Akarne gave humans all the tools needed to be strong without him. The faith encourages that his followers do not ask him for help. Instead, the faith is orientated around earning his favour through deeds worthy of him, and prayers are usually requests that he watches over his children so that they can demonstrate their worthiness to stand at his side in Heaven after death.
  Within the New World, Akarne was the first of the Gods to be raised and as such is said to be the most powerful of all the Gods. When his position was restored in the Heavens, he bestowed a miracle to his people, raising the great Afacia City from the ground itself in complete likeness of the Old World's city of Afacia.
  Arkane is the lead voice in the over pantheon.


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