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The Mist King

An entity that was released during the fall of the City of Scholars.   Very little is known about who he was before he was contained underneath the circle of Forbidden Knowledge at the City of Scholars. All that is known is that he had been in the prison since the start of the New World, and the removal of the Leno Staff power source, caused the prison to crumble, releasing him into the world.   The Mist King could seemingly telepathically control his mist walkers, each one being an extension of him. The moment he manifested, he went on the aggressive, his soul goal being to unmake this New World. He manifested in armour, which could be a clue to his previous identity as his near incorporeal form, does not seem to require its protection.   He ensured to hunt the pious, as they brought new power to his world and it was clear that faith caused the Mist King great pain. He was cunning enough to entrap Honjo and use it as leverage to ensure one of these priests joined him, later becoming his Queen. He was enraged however, when he discovered that the priest had given up all knowledge of this new world and therefore could not be used to prevent the further ascension of new gods.   He met his demise at the hands of his new Queen, who betrayed him with the aid of the Free People and in payment she was awarded his heart and dominion over the mists.


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