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The claiming of New Silure

Military: Battle


The Free People, along with their allies in the Dragon Flights, claim New Silure from the Torketh. This is the key act breaching the treaty with the Mist Queen.

The winds were good and the sails full for the entire journey up the coast; the weather fair Almost as if some greater being was willing the armies of the free peoples forwards with all haste. Still, it was slow going. The final resupply at the town of Newharbour in the North East of Darkwood was weeks ago, with still a way to go before landfall on the Island that was their destination. Supplies were plentiful however and the tension amongst ship was palpable; but not a sense of foreboding dread, more of that of a coiled spring, ready to be unleashed into the heart of the enemy.   Boasts were shouted from ship to ship; we will be the first to make landfall, we will be the first to sweep the Tor'keth frrom the beaches. Siprits were high as both wine and wagers were given freely. The only soldiers who seemed immune to the almost infectious atmosphere were the Dragons. Fully one hundred strong and on a ship of their own, there was little in the way of conversation between them and the rest of the fleet; and what there was of it would always be directed around course changes and weather patterns. The rest of the free people sing with one voice; they sing a song of death to the Tor'keth and of salvation of their world.   The last leg of the journey is upon you. The Island can be seen in the distance; a small spot on the horizon that draws ever closer. Soon, soon your voices will be raised, not in song, but in battle.   The dust has settled around new Siluria and the free peoples have emerged victorious. The last remaining stronghold of the Tor’keth has been captured, but of their god there was no sign. It was clear that whatever was happening on the island, plans had been changed from the vision the free peoples had received. ---    Following the claiming of this Isle, the Mist Queen made contact to declare a breach of her deal. Which was acknowledged by the people of Silure, but they were unwilling to rescind the isle back to the mists control. This was the last time the Mist Queen reached out to the Free People as an ally and instead declared war against them, in punishment for their oath breaking.

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