The Free People journey through the ritual gate way, into the new world that was created as their world was being destroyed in insidious magical fire.
Time line of the New Worlds Creation and the Free People's adventures within.
The Free People perform the creation ritual, the new world is formed. Over 300 years this world developed before the Free People passed through their ritual portal and joined this world. Years are described as After the Wyldefire (AW)
The Free People journey through the ritual gate way, into the new world that was created as their world was being destroyed in insidious magical fire.
The Free People both discovered and have hand in ruining the village of Opal, Jewel of the West. Town of riches and wonders, all for the right price.
The City of Scholars was destroyed as a result of interference of the Free People and the removal of a valuable artifact.
The Mist King was released from beneath the ritual circle at the City of Scholars downfall.
The Tor'Keth begin appearing across the New World, offering terms to accept their 'God Queen Marichas' and those who agree might be allowed to keep their customs and lands. They also offered support in clearing the mists from this world. Any who resist them will have their cities scorched and gods consumed. The War Begins...
Etsuko of House Komainu joins the Mist King, and is crowned the Queen of the Mists, to act as consort and advisor to the King and the matters of Gods.
The Free People, along with their allies in the Dragon Flights, claim New Silure from the Torketh. This is the key act breaching the treaty with the Mist Queen.
The invading 'Goddess' Marichas was slain by the Free People, while walking alongside their Gods in a final push, They were able to make use of the knives Marichas had forged with the intention of destroying the known gods of the heard of lands, to complete her conquest. This halted the Tor'keth invasion and her armies and children returned to their own worlds.
Kyemdefidi's agents were able to steal the Degan God Shard from the Free People and sacrifice it to the old one. Desperatelty Heros plunged into the realm of Kyemdefidi to attempt to reclaim this, but they were just too late and the Old One begun their decention to join the under pantheon.
In the conjunction of AC (After Creation) 9, the the alliance of the Free People partook in a ritual, which destroyed the majority of the Dark Woods, in order to make a significant blow against the mists. In this, the Dentro was destroyed along side tens of thousands of Elves.
The Mist Queen and the Tuathal /The Dragon breached the circles of Afacia and killed Lady Trask, one of the faces of the Heart of Magic.
The Mist Queen was recontained at the City of Scholars. The force returned under the ritual circle in a heroic effort by the Free People. A number of lives were lost to secure the victory, their stories should be rememebered in the Book of the Honoured Dead.