The Dodricon are rejected Lacdrians who failed their initiation as Lanaxdrian citizens. As a result, they were ejected from the Taygestronese to be incinerated in The Thermetolian Wedge, only to miraculously survive the crucible to live out their days in the volcanic sector in shame.
To the Lanaxdrians, tradition is life. Everyone fits into their roles in order to provide and defend the Taygestronese to the standards set by their progenitor Dodros and governed by both royal lines and the oligarchic assembly.
For the youth, their coming-of-age ceremonies determined only the best would become Lanaxdrian citizens.
For the boys, "The Shattering" would test their bodies and see which among them could pull themselves back together and fight. For the women, "The Kyln" would test which ones could mold and reform their bodies to become the great mothers to create the next generation of Lanaxdrians.
The failures (before, during, and directly after) would have a choice: either live as outcasts not welcome in the Warrior States or die with honor by diving through the Thermetolian Wedge.
Most, if not all, chose the latter option.
However, those that survived the Wedge and landed inside the desolate core planets saw themselves as irredeemable of any honor.
Life after Death:
Now residents of the Wedge with the Thermetolians as their new hegemons. The Dodricon or "Opposite of Dodros" live as gelatinous blobs or horribly disfigured Greco-Roman statues as equals amongst each other.
Trading scrap metal and parts that made it through the volcanic border of the cluster for food and water. After several generations, their nitrogen-based bodies (see CHONPS Spectral Elements) would enrich the soil on their planets, making a narrow ring of barely habitable planets in the cluster.
Here the early generation formed new bodies made of melted scrap metal, volcanic rock or sulfur, anything they can find to live out their existence as proud men and women.
While in their exile, the Dodricon assembled part of Hephaestus' broken furnace and taught themselves the art of automomachy or creating autonomous robots.
Given their unique physiology, The Dodricon can slip into cracks and crevasses like water through a leaky pipe and gain control over an object.
As a result, the newer generations created the first Dodricomotons: rudimentary robots powered by nitrogen and/or Ichor, similar to the old bronze Hephaelions like Dukxix but cheaper to buy and less prone to leakage than the older models.
Dodricomotons or Dodrics became the Hellecian roombas throughout the sector. Performing simple and highly repeatable tasks in conditions that would either kill/debase their masters. Tasks such as repairing damaged hull plating out in space during a firefight to clearing blockages in the fecal disposal systems.
With the popularity of these robots, the Dodricon had another choice: either make Dodricomotons with semi-peaceful lives in the Wedge or sell themselves as servants inside their robots until they die. Either when their nitrogen or Ichor gives out. Whichever gives out first.
Either way, the Dodricon live a brutal existence of servitude. However, the upcoming war with the Delots might force the Lanaxdrians to reconsider their standards and reward those who'd turn on their masters with citizenship back in the Taygestronese.
Home Cluster: Thermetolian Wedge
Progenitor: Dodros
Member Patrokonoi: Lanaxdrian Warrior States(rejected Lanaxdrians)
Greek Comparison: Dorians
Injection Date: 1 AFH (After Final Hegemony)
Primary CHONPS Spectral Element: Nitrogen
Side Effects of Ichor: Gelatinous goo consistency
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