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Hegemons of the eternal hellscape that lends their name to The Wedge, the Thermetolians are a race of former Aeonites who incinerate everything around them.

While Aeonites have a level of combustibility due to the nitrogen in their bodies, Thermetolians are freak accidents in the CHONPS cycle (see CHONPS Mysteries) who broke their degradation cycle and changed their molecular structure to be Fluorine-based creatures.

Being Aeonites themselves before the Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae, their leader Thermetolus fell in love with Dadactylion Azonine while maintaining the heat of the Hephaestus's forge.

Unable to stay apart any longer, Thermetolus and his compatriots broke Azonine out of the furnace after learning of the forge god's death. However, when the furnace cracked open her synthetic fire nymphs consumed and spread over Karoj-Menos.

Using her magic, she gave her life to bring the burned remains of Thermetolus back to life and turn the spreading molten remains of his Aeonites and her synthetic fire nymphs into the Thermetolians.

As a result, the fluorine in their blood and skin reacts violently with everything it touches; including their own blood vessels. However, their Ichor keeps them from becoming piles of smoldering ash.

Their fire even burns in the vacuum of space (like intergalactic Greek fire).

Following the destruction of Karoj-Menos, they spread over what became The Wedge and turned it into a burning hellscape that pushed the Dopheans, Phylisties, Locradians along with other intelligent races out of their ancestral homes.

Eventually, the Thermetolians settled on the volcanic border planets farthest away from their star, slowly shifting from hot to cold when shifting along the Kothrian Pass.

Creating a virtual burning net that catches space debris floating from the Thessalis Anvil and the Dodonan Roots while slingshotting it across the Kothrian Pass towards the Taygestronese and the Achillean Quake constantly.

Given their danger to everything and everyone around them, the Patrkonoi-Hellecia has claimed them as the Prostatis-Hellecia (or Hellecian protectors) of The Wedge. Sending whatever resources to keep the Thermetolians happy and inside The Wedge.

Inside The Wedge, Thermetolians themselves export ingots of scrap metal, volcanic soil, obsidian glass and other high pressure metals, Therme-Siphons (flamethrowers), and liquified Thermetolian remains for high octane combustion fuel sealed in air-tight containers.

Apart for supplies for their subjects near the center of the cluster, Thermetolians import fortified oil (applied in droplets on their bodies to absorb nutrients/sanitize their bodies/form useful materials that create byproducts Thermetolian can touch without igniting), mountain-sized cubes of Carbon Dioxide dropped into the seas of lava to lower planetary temperatures, anything that can extinguish themselves or numb the pain.

Home Cluster: Thermetolian Wedge

Progenitors: Thermetolius & Azonine

Member Patrokonoi: Professional Guilds of Aeonite Craftspeople

Greek Comparison: Aetolians

Injection Date: 1 AFH (After Final Hegemony)

Primary CHONPS Spectral Element: Fluorine (originally Nitrogen; broke the cycle)

Side Effects of Ichor: Violently combustible, flouridizing blood

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