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Cryingrock is found in treacherous seas - its main port of Thunderhead is known as one of the most difficult places to find harbour as it is constantly being battered by the seas from the southwest. Even if you do manage to pilot a ship in, don't expect a warm welcome - the Dragonborn found here are incredibly insular and strongly self-reliant. The island itself is largely barren and rocky, but is home to one of the most valuable materials known upon the High Seas: cryingstone, a rare gem that emits a faint glow that is highly prized for jewellery and decoration.


The land of storms, black rock and beautiful gemstones, Cryingrock is mostly known throughout the high seas as a barren rock that contains great riches and great peril. Those native to Cryingrock know that although it is harsh, hidden in crevices and canyons are pockets of comfort and bounty where plant life flourishes and people gather in warm and welcoming villages.

Natural Resources

Cryingstone, the faintly glowing blue gem found in small pockets in Cryingrock, is seldom traded and is therefore incredibly valuable to outsiders. Cryingstone jewellery is only found on the wealthiest or most noble of people outside of Cryingrock, whereas on the island it is relatively common. It is found in relative abundance amongst sailors, given as a gift of trust from natives of Cryingrock, unless of course it is taken from those natives by force.
Included Organizations
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