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Prince Moon

The legends of Prince Moon, king of all pirates, go before him. Some say he captains many ships, whilst others say he is always seen aboard his galleon: The Shooting Star. All agree that nobody knows what he looks like except his crew, who keep it a closely guarded secret - many assume him to be human (based on his penchant for royal titles), though you would have to lay eyes on him to find out.   Some tellings of his legend states that he was once royalty, or perhaps nobility, and cast it aside for a life of piracy. Others claim he was born the illegitimate child of said royalty and abandoned for death, before being adopted by pirates. Others also claim the pirates abducted him at a young age and raised him as their own - a favour which he repaid to them in blood. All legends agree on one thing - Prince Moon's rise to become the lord of the pirates was meteoric, rapid, and cutthroat.   His legends have brought renown to the pirate factions, and stabilised their chaotic way of life; non-pirates fear that any pirate ship may house Prince Moon, a foe who they are unlikely to defeat and best to leave alone. Hunting pirates is almost considered bad luck in some circles, as the Prince's retribution will likely not be far behind.
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