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Ship Roles

Different Ship types have varying amounts of room for individuals with a specific job on the ship. Some of these, such as the captain, are essential for the running of the ship, and some of these are extra roles that can help with the smooth running of the ship.   Players can pick a ship role, and the benefits it represents, or the players can hire others to fill those roles, if the ship has room for them.   Ship roles are similar to backgrounds, but they are an additional feature and do not replace any of your other character features. The descriptions of each role are below - some roles grant bonus proficiencies, and some have a feature that provides you with an ability.  

Roles List

Essential Roles

  • Captain
  • First Officer/Mate
  • Navigator
  • Cook

Additional Roles

  • Helm
  • Striker
  • Carpenter
  • Weapons Officer
  • Cargomaster
  • Boatswain/Bosun
  • Treasurer
  • Chirurgeon


Roles Explanations


The Captain is (usually) the owner of the ship. They make the ultimate decisions pertaining to the ship, and instruct other crewmates on what they should be doing.

Bonus Proficiencies

Captains are proficient with Water Vehicles.

Feature: Captaineering

A Captain's role is varied and flexible, but years on the sea has granted them the experience needed to be well-equipped for these situations. You have advantage on checks that use your Water Vehicle proficiency, and on Intelligence checks related to the sea.

First Officer/Mate

The First Officer's primary role is disseminating the Captain's orders to the crew, and for many they are the face of the ship.

Bonus Proficiencies

You have proficiency with persuasion or intimidation.

Feature: Boarding and Landing

Whilst the Captain has absolute authority on the ship, the First Officer leads the crew when they are off the ship, whether carousing, exploring, or boarding another ship, the First Officer is always a reassuring presence. Upon leaving the ship, and once after every rest away from the ship, you can grant an ally advantage on one skill check.


Whilst the Captain decides where to go, the Navigator is responsible for charting the course and figuring out how to get there.

Bonus Proficiencies

The Navigator is proficient in Cartographer's Tools and Navigator's Tools.


Food is essential to keep a crew going, and someone to prepare that food is just as essential - the last thing you want on a long trip at sea is food poisoning.

Bonus Proficiencies

The Cook is proficient with Cook's Utensils and the Herbalism Kit.


Normally, on a mid-to-large sized ship, it is not the Captain who spends their time holding the wheel. This job is dedicated to the Helm - an experienced sailor who can be trusted to pilot the ship across the open seas.

Bonus Proficiencies

The Helm is proficient with Water Vehicles.

Feature: Hold her Steady

After years of steering through rough seas, your experience shines above all others. You add double your proficiency bonus to checks that use your Water Vehicles proficiency.


A Striker is an expert hunter and/or angler that provides a source of fresh food for the crew.

Bonus Proficiencies

The Striker is proficient in Survival.

Feature: Catch of the Day

For each day at sea spent fishing, the Striker can make a Wisdom (Survival) check to determine how many crew members they can feed. Subtract 10 from the result of the check, including modifiers (minimum 0): you can feed this many crew members without expending rations today.


A ship is made of wood, and it may get damaged. Whilst most ships wait until they're in port to make repairs, having a carpenter on board can be the difference between limping back to port or being lost at sea.

Bonus Proficiencies

Carpenters are proficient with Carpenter's Tools.

Feature: Emergency Repairs

A ship full of holes can quickly lead to it's sinking - especially if someone is actively trying to put those holes there. In combat, you can make a DC 15 Strength (Carpenter's Tools) check to patch a hole, restoring 20 hit points to the ship.

Weapons Officer

When there's a ship full of gunpowder, it's good to have someone on board who keeps track of it's storage and use. When they're not tending gunpowder, the Weapons Officer also makes sure all the other weapons on the ship are in order - cutlasses, pikes, arrows, bolts, etc.

Bonus Proficiencies

The Weapons Officer selects 4 martial weapons to become proficient with.

Feature: Powder Stores

Rather than leaving barrels of gunpowder haphazardly about the place, a Weapons Officer makes sure it is stored safely and efficiently. The amount that a cannon reduces tonnage by (see Ship types) changes from 2 tons to 1.5 tons.


The Cargomaster keeps track of the ships cargo, and is particularly important on merchant ships or ships carrying valuable goods that might find their way into crewmembers pockets. They are also particularly well-liked amongst other merchant ships and port authorities.

Bonus Proficiencies

Choose to become proficient in either Persuasion or Deception.

Feature: Stock-take

As part of your duties, you keep a constant eye on the cargo. At the start of each day spent on the ship, or at any point where you spend an hour taking stock, you instantly know if any items are missing, broken, or have moved. Additionally, you have advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks made to barter when purchasing or selling cargo.


The Boatswain or Bosun makes sure that the orders passed down to the crew are carried out properly. They know each and every crewmember and how to properly motivate them into giving their all. Most Boatswains are old hands on the ship and have worked their way up through the crew.

Bonus Proficiencies

You are proficient with Water Vehicles.

Feature: The Master Rota

A good Bosun knows that a sailor can get by on 4 hours of sleep if the deck needs swabbing. With this sort of efficient timetabling on who is up when, the Bosun can reduce the crew requirements of a ship by 10% (see Ship types).


Most crew members earn a set pay - even pirates are democratic when it comes to splitting the money. A Treasurer keeps track of this, and keeps the gold secure when it isn't changing hands.

Feature: The Best Deals

A Treasurer is not somebody you want to try and haggle with. You have advantage on checks to appraise the value of an object.

Feature: Safe

All that coin isn't just rolling around the ship on your watch! You keep tight control of the ship's funds, and store them away in a small safe which only you and those you trust have the key for - making it much more difficult for gold and small treasure to be stolen from the ship.


On long voyages, it can be reassuring to have a doctor on the ship. The Chirurgeon fills this role, making sure that the limb amputations are safe and the peg legs installed successfully.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency in Medicine and with the Herbalism Kit.

Feature: Sickbed

You have a small section of the ship cordoned off to help the sick recover - whether it's from flu or one of your surgeries. Once per day you can roll a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check to attempt to heal a patient suffering from a non-magical disease. On a success it clears up in 1d4+1 days.


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