level 32

Level 32, ominously referred to as "Killers Paradise," is a domain held by one of the Tower's most formidable and predatory races—The restless Beast-men . These creatures are renowned for their immense physical strength and enduring stamina. This reputation led the Capital to issue orders to both the Hunters Guild and the Warriors Guild to undertake the task of exterminating them.   Situated in proximity to the Capital, Level 32's terrain has witnessed the relentless outreach of warriors and hunters, all dedicated to eradicating The restless Beast-men . Despite their persistent efforts, these powerful and vigilant creatures have proven to be elusive adversaries. The mystery lies in the fact that The restless Beast-men  have adopted a defensive posture for an extended period, an unusual departure from their typically aggressive nature.   In response to this puzzling turn of events, the Capital has commissioned an ambitious "extermination expedition." This venture has brought together a formidable assembly of renowned hunters and skilled warriors, each eager to alter the outcome of the battle against The restless Beast-men . The stakes are high, and the Capital's factions are determined to decipher the reason behind the Beast-men's defensive stance.   Among the factions entrusted with overseeing this critical expedition is the "Green Faction," led by none other than the enigmatic "Legend Killer," Joy. As the expedition unfolds, it carries the weight of not only the Capital's expectations but also the hopes of those who seek to understand the complex dynamics of Level 32 and the Restless Beast-men. The outcome of this endeavor may reshape the fate of this challenging level and influence the power dynamics within the Tower itself.