level 81

During the age of the first coming, where magic flowed through every leaf and whisper of the wind, there existed a land known as "The Deadly Whispers." This land was shrouded in darkness, ruled by an entity known as the "Abomination." These beings were among the darkest and most malevolent ever seen, embodying the very essence of chaos and despair. The Abomination's reign was a time of suffering and sorrow, a time when hope seemed like a distant dream.   It was the fallen god Azir's final desperate effort to smother the light of the good adventurers who had risen to challenge his malevolent dominion. Many lives were lost, and countless humans were cut down in their prime. The clash between good and evil in The Deadly Whispers marked one of the greatest tragedies humanity had ever faced. Yet, it was also a turning point—the first time their collective determination and good nature had been heard in the ethereal realms.   Among those who heeded the anguished calls of humanity were the Titans, celestial beings who stood as the guardians of the high tower. The Titans heard the desperate pleas and the agonized screams of the humans, and they descended from their celestial abodes to offer aid in the battle for freedom. Even with the Titans' powerful assistance, the emotional pain of the conflict left scars that cut deep into the souls of all who had witnessed the horrors of The Deadly Whispers.   In the aftermath of the cataclysmic confrontation, the Titan Aurora recognized the immense emotional burden that lingered within the hearts of the survivors. Despite the victory won through unity and resilience, the weight of loss and sorrow was too great to bear. With boundless compassion, Aurora stepped forth and wove her magic across the desolate landscape that had been The Deadly Whispers.   Her divine touch transformed the once-dark and sinister land into a realm of unparalleled beauty—a land now known as Roseland. This fantastical continent was unlike any other, for it was blanketed in the softest, most enchanting shade of pink that one could ever imagine. The land itself seemed to blush with delight as if it were privy to secrets whispered by the stars.   The grasses of Roseland swayed in gentle harmony, their rosy hue like a comforting embrace. Flowers of all kinds burst forth in vibrant shades of pink and gold, their petals kissed by the very essence of Aurora's grace. And in the heart of this resplendent paradise, fallen comrades found their eternal rest. The land itself became a living memorial—a testament to the sacrifices made, a sanctuary where heroes were laid to rest, and a place where the memory of their valor could forever thrive.   Roseland stood as a reminder that even from the depths of darkness, beauty and hope could arise. The land's transformation was a symbol of the resilience of the human spirit, the enduring power of unity, and the boundless compassion of the celestial beings who had intervened. The tale of Roseland, the blushing continent, echoed through the ages, a beacon of light that proved even the darkest chapters of history could be rewritten into stories of renewal and enchantment.   Many years passed since the events that had unfolded in Roseland, the blushing continent. The once-fabled land, a sanctuary of beauty and hope, had become a coveted destination for adventurers from all corners of the fantastical realm. They sought to bask in the enchantment of its pink-hued landscapes, relishing in the legacy of unity and renewal that it symbolized. However, as the tapestry of time continued to unfurl, a sinister shadow fell upon the land—a shadow that whispered of darker intentions.   In a cruel twist of fate, the once-sought-after paradise had become the hunting grounds for an insidious group known as the the death knights .