the extinction age

after hundreds of years of peace came the dark age, the period of war began again during the reign of the owl (azir) came a night during a banquet. Some scouts spotted a new race whom they had never seen before. Hence, they informed the owl when the owl spotted them. He was shocked, and fearful azir flew into the sky and ordered the troops to execute the new race. The armies were formed, and thus the attack was ordered. All of the races didn't question the owls except for one race, the trolls. Especially one troll warrior who goes by the name torak he was curios and noble and so he wanted to know more about this race. That is why he sneaked into the cave and tried talking to the new race he quickly realized that they are a friendly group of people, but what caught his eye was an orc who was blind claws of a dragon ravished his face. The orc called the troll and told him to hide the kids and that there is no time to waste as enemies are about to attack the cave turak started laughing and said that the attack could easily be a misunderstanding. Still, the orc said (turator Pafund Mabas Draut), which meant (the abyss after daylight), its a saying that trolls say to one another when an enemy is in hiding. The troll quickly ran to the council of azir and told them to stop the attack as it is just the misunderstanding. Still, azir got angry and struck Torak as the attack was about to commence Torak at the last second stood on both of his feet and ran to the cave he took as many children he could find and ran away through the back of the cave, but the orc and the men and women all but stood to fight. Still, just before the battle could commence the orc stood and came out of the cave and said (the age of the second coming is near........the shadows of the abyss cannot run away now......(cough)....NOW IS THE TIME FOR MEN FROM AFAR TO JOIN THE BATTLE AZIR....NOW IS THE TIME OF THE...) the owl stuck the orc with his feathers, the orc falls but right before he hits the ground the Shouts...HUMANS !!!!!!!!!!!) all the races looked in fear as they only heard about the humans but they never actually seen any to them humans where beings removed from aura capabilities. Still, they were peace and harmony loving race, but as they were about to act, the owl shouts ATTACK! The armies began to attack the cave in a state of shock. The troll king ordered his men to stop the assault. Still, it was too late the troops attacked the cave from all sides what was left was just a bunch of dead human men and women lying on the ground after this azir quickly flew back to his palace and hid as he knew something is coming. The troll king and the other races discussed azir and if what he did was right. The kuldar used a ritual called "the eye of truth" to further understand azir and his intentions after days of endless aura usage. The kuldars finally found out the truth about azir, about how he is the messenger of the dark sea all the races quickly formed their armies to attack azir. Still, it was a costly battle millions of people died in those years the last battle was supposed to happen at the black valley in uldam, but the chances for the allied races to win looked slim. From a population of over billions, only thousands lived women and children almost all died by the hands of azir, but at the last battle of the black valley came something that azir couldn't predict. Large armies from the banished lands came to lead by the troll warrior torak. The struggle of the dark valley was the scariest thing that could ever affect the ether world azir hanged priests and warlocks for their powers. He summoned a great sea king the Kraken, he used the powers of the void and darkness, he drank the blood of young women and children to strike fear all he ever wanted was to be a god. But azirs weakness is the human beings who do not excel in auras but excel in brute strength and intellect; they used their mind to trick azir into thinking they had lost. Still, at the last second, they used azirs most potent attacks against him by using shields made by light crystals, and finally, azir was no more. Still, the allied races were almost wiped out only a few reminders, and those who did remain lost their powers with the world he could not use auras anymore the world whom they tried to defend turned their backs on them. So the left the world to the humans and left to never be seen again after the azir got defeated the last allied races created the high tower filled with azirs allies as punishment to their sins.

The Conflict


the allied races left the ether world and locked themselves is with azirs allies in the high tower
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
a.f.c 7000- 1000 b.c
Ending Date
n.a 1 - 1 a.c
Conflict Result
costly victory for the humans and the allied races


  • ether