Droskar Character in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil


The Dark Smith, Master of the Dark Furnace - CE Male Dwarven Demigod of Cheating, Slavery and Toil

Cast out and cursed by Torag, the Dark Smith works constantly to prove his significance, cheating and enslaving others to further his goals
Duty, Earth, Trickery, Tyranny
Alternate Domains
Ambition, Fire, Toil
Origin Short
Son Of Torag, Banished From Heaven
Ashen Forge
Droskar'S Forge
Abraxas, Haagenti, Artificers That Rely On His Forge.
Significant Relationships
Son Of Torag
Forges, Sweatshops, Places Of Craft And Toil
Duergar, Illegal Dwarven Cults.
Centers of Worship
  • Darklands - Duergar Territories In Nar-Voth
  • Surface - Okeno, Hold of Belkzen, Sodden Lands, And Especially Druma.
  • Achieve Goals At Any Cost
  • Continually Improve Your Abilities
  • Establish Dominance
  • Work Ceaselessly
  • Fail To Work Toward Goals Or Grow In Skill
  • Relax Excessively Or Give Into Sloth
Divine Symbol
Fire Under Stone Arch
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Gray, Orange

Divine Ability
Constitution Or Intelligence
Divine Font
Divine Skill
Favored Weapon
Light Hammer


Droskar was originally one of the greatest student smiths of Torag, until it was discovered that he had been copying his work from another whom he had enslaved. For this, he was cursed by the Father of Creation to never be able to create an original work and cast from the dwarven pantheon, but not before Droskar killed his captive, who would never be able to take his place at Torag's forge. Rejected, he searched for followers of his own, promising them salvation in return for ceaseless work or simply enslaving them. None of these helped him, however, or inspired any originality within the god.


Droskar appears as a male Dwarf towering over all beings that he addresses. His skin is ash-grey, scarred by burns, and his hair and beard are black smoke flecked with embers. He wears a forge apron made from red Dragon hide that does not cover his heavily muscled arms and charred hands and forearms, where the scabs on his skin swirl into flame-and-chain patterns. He wields his forge hammer Karandosh in one hand and the Soulchain in the other.




Droskar views Torag as a hypocrite because Torag commands legions of celestial servitors, while he condemns Droskar for slavery. Most dwarves despise Droskar and ostracise or attack his worshippers, who in turn enslave dwarves when possible.< 2>


Is the only dwarven god who harbours any sympathy for Droskar.< 2>


Hopes to reconcile Droskar and Torag and bring Droskar back to the pantheon.< 2>

Prophecies of Kalistrade (pseudo-religion)

Droskar's church shares many values—concerning ascetic self-perfection and wealth as a manifestation of virtue—with the secular Prophecies of Kalistrade.<1>


3>Related Creature: Forge-spurned.<<1>


The Ashen Forge is a distorted confusion of mineshafts and forges constantly destroyed by the Abyss and then rebuilt by Droskar's minions in an endless cycle of misery.   3>The Akrizoth Horologe, reputedly measures the output of Droskar's forges<<4>

Realm Connections

Droskar's realm connects to places of great crafting, with a stronger connection to forges. The most notable connection being to Adamantine Crucible in Axis.<


1>Droskar is commonly worshiped by Duergar. On the surface of Golarion, the rare followers of Droskar tend to be individual ascetics who devote their lives to their work or study, or small settlements desperately struggling in harsh environments. They are most often found in Okeno, the Hold of Belkzen, the Sodden Lands, and especially Druma, which boasts the highest number of Droskar's worshippers in the Inner Sea region outside of Nar-Voth. His emphasis on the right of the powerful to dominate the weak resonates well with wealthy plutocrats across Golarion.< 2>Droskar's church is the state religion of most Duergar nations, with some being Theocracies.< 3>After Earthfall, Droskar heard the prayers of the dwarves who had refused to follow the Quest for Sky and chose to remain in the Darklands. Left behind by their kin and abandoned by Torag, they cried out for help against the enemies that surrounded them. Droskar offered them power and protection, allowing them to reclaim their shattered empire in exchange for eternal servitude. The dwarves saw the trade as fair, and as they accepted Droskar's patronage, their skin turned grey and they became Droskar's chosen people, the Duergar.<







Axe of Dwarvish Lords

The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords is a powerful major Artifact of the dwarves created by Taargick at the Conclave of the Final Deep.  


The sturdy haft of the dwarven waraxe called the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords shines with veins of silver and its two blades depict images of ancient dwarven glories.  


When the dwarves completed the generations-old Quest for the sky under the lead of their great king Taargick, the success was not without implications. Many dwarves feared the all-revealing light, the exposure to the weather, the open sky and the countless weird creatures of the alien surface. For thousands of dwarves, reaching the surface only convinced them that they should have stayed in the deep earth. Taargick sensed the fear growing and he gathered the leaders of his people in a hidden cavern, remembered as the Conclave of the Final Deep and together they constructed a simple forge. With ore they brought from the depths of their ancient homeland and strange new metals discovered on the surface they crafted a symbol of their people and poured into it their strength, resolve, legends, memories and the blessing of Torag. When it was done, King Taargick addressed his people, raising the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords. He convinced them that the traditions of the old nations might forge wonders from the riches of the new world and emboldened them to face the challenges of the surface.   The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords passed through the hands of many kings but was stolen by unknown thieves during the chaos of the Five Kings Wars.  

Current Location

Rumor: It was found in the hands of General Eurad Dberryl but was claimed by Theocrat Ordrik's followers during the Forge War, knowing the threat to his rising regime that the axe represented, Theocrat Ordrik hid it away deep beneath Droskar's Crag. Rumor: The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords ended up in the hoard of the ancient magma Dragon Moschabbatt. The Dragon killed the secret team Theocrat Ordrik sent to Jernashall's ruins. Now the Dragon is the keeper of dwarves' most precious Artifact and the key to a lost golden age of dwarven culture. Rumor: The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords was stolen by the Church of Droskar, and hidden away as it is a great threat to their god's mission.  


Link Hooks
If you want to forge something really good who do you go to? In the multiverse, perhaps Torag, the Forgefather, Father of Dwarves, God of creation is the best smith there is. Let's just say the Osirian gods don't have a good relationship with heaven So he's out who else? what if you're worse than an Osirian god, what if you're a Demon your options are dwindling Droskar is one of the best options in the Abyss, especially so in 2 cases Case 1: You want something Forged. We're talking metalurgy and everything on the physical side of artificing. He's the best in the Abyss. If Haagenti, Abraxas, or any of the more arcanely inclined want to make a significantly powerful item (like any artifact) they're probably going to Droskar for the physical elements. Read name of the wind? Think everything before etching the runes. Case 2: You want something you can't have. Each plane tends to have some kind of natural power or advantage that is unique The Abyss' advantage is that it is connected to the rest of the multiverse in a special way that is divinely mutable that is, it intrudes and connects to other planes not in a way that is predefined on a map by geography, but through it's sentience combined with the force of personality of the divine realm that a god has Droskar's realm connects to places of great crafting so if you want shit that's in the Adamantine Crucible, the Lawful Neutral Plane's best forge, Droskar is adjacent to that. Diplomatically or otherwise, going to Droskar to get there can have it's advantages.


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